🌟Chapter 7 :- ( Tripp Stricks Back )🌟

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🌟Skip's ( Jason's Pov )🌟

After Emma and Richard got home , we were having dinner at dinner table.

" - So how was your day at preschool buddy ? " Richard said.

" It was fine " I said.

" What's with the frown Tripp ? Looks like you didn't have a good day ? "
Emma asked.

" Courtney broke up with me , she found out that I still wet the bed and have to wear pull-ups to school "
Tripp said.

" Oh that sounds bad " Emma said.

" - She wouldn't have found out If someone had'nt disturbed us "
Tripp said glaring at me.

" What are you talking about ? "
Richard asked.

" Daddy I caught Tripp wrestling with Courtney , he had his shirt off "
I said.

" - WHAT !?? " Emma asked.

" M..Mom I can explain " Tripp said.

" - Tripp is Skip telling the truth ... ? "
Richard asked.

" I am sorry Dad , Skip walked In on me and Courtney " Tripp said blushing and looking down.

" I am so disappointed in you Young Man , I thought I could trust you with your little brother but there you go take advantage of our absence and call a girl In MY house and have ' Seggs ' with her !? What were you thinking " Emma asked.

" Tripp that's very irresponsible of you , I thought you were old enough to be trusted , did you even use the protection because have you thought what would happen If she gets pregnant - " Richard asked.

" Dad ! I did used protection ! "
Tripp said blushing.

" Richard ! are you really trying to justify our 16 year old son having seggs with his girlfriend ?? "
Emma said.

" No Em's I am just saying that Tripp is a teenager and sometimes teenage hormones can affect decision making , I was once - " Richard said.

" - Richy I don't think this is the kind of conversation we should have at dinner table dear especially Infront of Skip " Grandma Bella said.

Don't worry Grammy I have heard worst.

" - It's Skip's fault !! " Tripp said.

" Really Tripp ? Your gonna blame your 4 year old little brother ? "
Richard said.

" - But Dad " Tripp said.

" That's enough , after your done with dinner your going straight to be and tomorrow we will discuss about your consequences " Emma said and Tripp nodded.


It was like normal routine , after taking a warm bubbly bath Emma got me changed In night time pampers and PJs.

It was bedtime and Richard was reading me story.

" - Sounds like a long day , so you met your highschool crush ? What was her name ? " Richard asked.

" Allison Grant , I had a crush on her and we were going to join MIT toghter " I said.

" I am sorry Jason - " Richard said.

" It's not your fault " I said.

" - It's bedtime sweetheart "
Emma said.

" Mommy 5 more minutes ! " I said.

" Nope , early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy , wealthy and wise ! " Emma said and Tripp walked In.

" - Mom , you had forgot Skip's hot chocolate milk bottle at the table "
Tripp said handing bottle to Emma.

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