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You didn't ask for my number right away like every other moron.You asked why I was waiting alone and the answer I could come up with was I was taking in the cool night breeze. You followed me as I walked past you like you knew where I was heading to ,but I was kind enough to let you know that my destination which was my hostel was a 20 minutes walk from the class area we were about to leave but you didn't mind and just like that I was hooked .
    I talk a great deal which I shouldn't have because it some how portrayed me as a talker and I was trying to give a first impression but with you it just didn't matter... My words were able to flow freely . You were a very good listener. You didn't just listen because I noticed, I noticed the way you kept looking at my face ,my lips ,the way I formulated each words out of my mouth with a shy smile accompanying it .I noticed the way your eye lit up as I fangirled about my favorite celebrities and didn't judge me for it . You were interested in everything I said. And was that not what I wanted in a potential lover?,it was.
    You jolted me when you reminded me of how your voice sounded when the talking table was turned to your side . Your voice was like music to the ear it was a perfect modulated melody and your words rolled out the way one would slip on oil poured on a tiled floor. I didn't wanted you to stop talking .
     I noticed how fair you w
are when we made a turn down the lighted part that led to my hostel. I saw it ,the sharp difference between his fairness and his coal like hair and eyes, his nose a structured contour and lips that fitted beautifully on his face ... Ha you one arewa okunrin!.And I definitely couldn't compare to you and I'm sure you knew it .

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