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Hummm .... Maybe that was why you did as you have done , you left me on a cliffhanger,habaa why do beautiful men act like this?
  You commented on how I walked and was subtle in your slight touchy actions. Not once but twice you made me tingle as you lay your bare palm on my skin moving me closer to you and further from the side by bushes lining the road. I looked down to were your hand touched but in splitting seconds they were gone ,the loss of contact brought me to the realization of what you were doing to me .
  You are good at this game and me only a beginner in this field. You  said in that melodious voice of yours that still manage to come out manly enough "why do you walk close to the bush? ,stay here by my side", and I could swear I was intoxicated my legs melting under the solid ground. Stay here by my side kept ringing in my head that I didn't see a coming tricycle but you managed to bring me to focus catching my breath as I gasped in shock by maneuvering me effortlessly to your side as if you were in control of my body. I looked into your pearly eyes coated with long healthy lashes and said  under my breath "Sia what have you gotten yourself into"and of course you heard me because I caught the dangerous smirk on your face and my mouth was hanging open ready to defend myself but my words were scattered.You were starting at me, God,with those eyes!.

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