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  I got to my room feeling giddy, I immediately closed the door and my legs felt like jelly I rested my back against the door and slipped to the door floor , I couldn't help but have a grin plastered to my face as I recalled the nights event .I picked my self up and flung my self to the bed my emotions were reeling out uncontrollably.
    I looked at my phone waiting for his call, I was thorned with different choices , should I call him?, should I wait for his call?, Should I send an SMS?.I said to my self "I shouldn't call first,I'm the girl , it's too early to make him know I care about him". "yes I would wait he would call me".I slept with a high expectation of what to come the following day .
   I woke up to no text (SMS) ,but I was cool... Could be that he was taking his time . I carried on with  good spirit ,there's still time.
    A whole day and I didn't hear from you , I was getting worried when I shouldn't ,I mean I didn't t even know you .We met in less than 24hours but see you already left a mark . I worried that you might have caught a cold due to the late night walk, I worried that your phone might be stolen or that you saw through my bravado and decided I wasn't good enough for you. I worried, I repeat when shouldn't have cared. I ended the up coming with a more reliving conclusion " your phone must be dead (flat battery?".
       One day of a dead phone turned into a week I didn't hear from you, I couldn't bring my self to call you... "You said you will call", but I tried to meet you coincidentally,went to all the places I thought you might be and say there for hours wishing that I would meet you by accident. I didn't know where to look but I went to every block to  read just to see you, even though I didn't know how I would react if I came across you.

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