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We got to the front of my hostel door and we but stood looking elsewhere but our selves . I was waiting for you to let the cat out of the bag but for some reason I don't know you were hesitant.
I see now, you were only trying to play safe (I'm shaking my head now in self embarrassment) but I was too engulf in the moment and took your hesitation for innocence ,àgoó ti se mi le se.
Like the lover girl I was I took actions into my hands and asked "isn't this when you are supposed to ask for my number?" You looked at me and immediately you smiled brightly like I just relived you off an internal battle,I smiled at my audacity too giving my self an internal pat for a job well done.
We exchanged numbers ,as we did you said " I'm not active on social media but I can always call you,I will call you".I was surprised at the possibility that someone could be socially inactive in our today's world but I found it cool because I thought you were cool but I still asked" so you are one weird mysterious guy huhn?" With a beautiful crescent smile on his face he left the question hanging and with that you watched me walk through the door that led to my room. I didn't know it was a walk away from you forever.

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