+ Prologue +

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Waking up in a small enclosed room with a splitting headache was not something that Reich had imagined he would be dealing with if you had asked him a day prior. His field of vision was currently really fuzzy, and he could only make out only a couple of blobs in the distance as he started to hear voices. When his field of vision started to clear he looked from side to side with only his eyes, because he couldn't really feel his body nor move it. The headache was not subsiding, although he was starting to gain memories on how he ended up here.

Reich was outside. He was walking. He was...walking home from work. He always walked home from work due to the fact that he lives only a couple blocks away from the shop. It was around 5 pm. He always took this route, and it was most familiar to him so why did he feel on edge? He started walking faster, but then he noticed something a bit peculiar. It was oddly quiet for a Wednesday afternoon. Usually the neighbors would have their dogs out in the yard or some kids would be out here playing dangerously close to the busy road without parental supervision. He felt a presence behind him, but before he could turn around he felt a sudden jolt of pain and his vision started to blur and splotch. Right before he fully passed out he saw a white van approaching from down the street, and then he blacked out.

He tried sitting up, realizing that the surface that he was currently sitting on was a bit uncomfortable, but only to no avail. His vision had cleared up by then and he could hear again, so he tried to make out what surroundings were. Since he was in a resting position, it was a bit hard to see any other part of the room other than the ceiling and the top halves of the walls. Someone came into view. The muttering and whispering stopped. It had stopped a while ago, but Reich had just realized how ear-splitting the silence was. His 'bed' was suddenly moved. He was now propped up at an angle, so he could see the rest of the room and everyone else in the room with him.

They all had hazmat suits on, and were staring at him and whispering to each other. Two of them pulled out clipboards and started scribbling something down before one of them finally spoke out loud. "Oh right, can someone remove the Succinylcholine?" "Yeah but we're keeping him on the numbness meds right?" "Yeah let's do that." One of the scientists moved closer to remove the oxygen mask that had been attached to Reich's face before quickly moving backwards and immediately sanitizing their hand as if Reich had the plague or something. They all stared at him in anticipation, and after a couple of minutes he would start feeling his limbs again. Even though he could move again, he couldn't feel his body and...he felt cold. Why did he feel cold? He looked down and realized that he was strapped to a metal table. Scribble scribble scribble the people in the room with him kept writing furiously. "Hey we got all the things we need. Can you go over there and inspect him one last time?" the other nodded as they started making their way towards Reich. They then started to poke at certain areas on his body and all he could do was watch. They started looking at his face, lifting up his eyelids, tugging at his skin, and checking his teeth. His skin felt a little loose. He was hit with a sudden pang of hunger. The finger prodding at his teeth right now is starting to smell oddly good..? His stomach hurt so bad. Maybe just a little bite won't hurt? Who was he kidding that's got to hurt, but he didn't care right now, he couldn't, and with that he bit down on the finger in his mouth.


Word count: 679

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