+ Chapter 3 +

88 4 1

[Third Reich]

He didn't know how long he was there for, but if he had to guess he'd say around 45 minutes. He had gotten tired of standing there in the dark at some point and decided to sit down in one of the corners of the elevator. It really gave him the time to go over everything that happened.

The lights in the elevator suddenly flickered back on. He quickly shields his face from the sudden light and squints. The elevator is once again moving. He assumed that the lockdown was over, and that would mean that no one has noticed him missing yet. Lucky him right? Not quite. When the elevator slows to a stop, the doors open to reveal three security personnel. All of them were armed. "Put your hands up in the air where we can see them." the one on the right ordered. Reich slowly raised his arms up above his head, trying to think of a way to escape his situation. The guards slowly make their way towards him with their guns raised.

Reich Suddenly sprints towards one of the guards and knocks the gun out of his arms. The others reacted immediately and started shooting him in non-vital places. It seems to not affect him though as he just grabs the gun on the ground and shoots one in the head, before turning around and elbowing the guard trying to creep up on him and he shot him in the chest. The last guard was open firing at him at this point, so Reich kind of uses one of the downed men as a shield. It doesn't really do much, but it blocked him long enough to pump the man full of lead. After all three were downed, he quickly fired a couple more bullets at them to make sure that they stayed downed before bolting towards a direction that he thought would lead him to an exit.

On his way towards the exit he ran into a couple inconveniences, but he managed to make it to the door with a bullet to spare. He rushes out the door and drops his gun before sprinting down the street as fast as he could. He made sure to take cover whenever he could to catch his breath and just in case those armed men decided to follow him.

He managed to make his way to a more crowded area of town, and he ran into a small dark alleyway. He was trying to catch his breath when he suddenly realized that he just committed manslaughter. These thoughts overwhelm him and he starts tearing up without realizing. The reality of this situation crushing him. Tears streamed down his face as he started to sob. He refused to believe that he had killed more than 3 people. The drugs that were used to make him feel numb and his adrenaline started to wear off and he started to feel overwhelming pain. He remembered that he has a whole bunch of open wounds and he tried to apply some sort of pressure to them. He realized a bit too late, because he started to fatigue from the blood loss and pain. His vision started to blur and swim before he passed out.


Word count: 545

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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