+ Chapter 2 +

59 4 0

[Third Reich]

Panic. The entire building was in a state of panic. After Reich bit that one scientist they all ran out in a hurry to escort him to the medical wing, Reich assumed. In their hurry , they had left the door that was supposed to keep him contained open.

Reich saw this as a chance to get out of there, so he quickly tried to look for an escape route and get out of his containment. He noticed that one of the straps holding him down to the metal table was a bit loose from when the guy was checking him. He tugged his arm out and started freeing the rest of his body. Once he got off the table he started making his way towards the door. His ability to walk was a bit impaired because his legs were shaking and a bit numb, but he slowly made his way to the door anyway.

When he was about 3 feet away from the door the alarms started blaring and the intercoms said that the building would go into lockdown. They probably realized that they left him with an open door, he rolled his eyes. He realizes that the door started to shut and he starts moving as fast as he could towards it, but something was holding him back. He felt something tugging on his arm and he looked back to find wires that were connecting him to the machines that were placed out his view when he was still strapped to the bed. He quickly ripped them out of his skin, ignoring the fact that it caused him to start bleeding, and started rushing towards the door.

As soon as he made it out of the containment room the door slammed shut behind him. He starts wandering around in the empty halls trying to find an exit to this horrible building. After coming across a small barred window, he realized that he was at least 5 floors above ground level, meaning that he couldn't just jump out the window as an escape route. He keeps walking down the hallway until he reaches an elevator. Surprisingly the elevator still works, so he presses the button and waits for it to arrive.

Once it does he quickly steps in and clicks the button for the lobby. After a few seconds of waiting, the door closes and the elevator starts descending. On its way down it suddenly halts. The lights flicker a bit before going out completely. 'Well shit.' Reich thought as he realized that he's going to be stuck here for a while.


Word count: 434

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