3 weeks ago.
My eyes open, my head is pounding and I can't think straight. Last night was horrible, practicing for my last game of the season and my life, I got hit in the head with a ball 5 times.
"Ruben! Breakfast!" Rubert calls down making my head pound more. I slide out of bed slowly and tip toe down the steps into the kitchen.
"Morning gorgeous. Have a nice sleep?" he asks pouring a cup of coffee for me.
"No, my head is killing me" I whine.
"I told you to be careful when playing juju ball"
"I've been playing for 10 years Rubert. Its those replacements we got for when we leave. They suck." I inform him. He gives me a saddened look whenI say leave. "Rubert...It'll be okay." I get up and walk over to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and he sighs.
"I'm just going to miss you. Its been you and I for 18 years and 3 weeks from now I'll never see you again"
"Rubert don't. I'm going to cry."
"First Cea, now you."
"Maybe..." I pause afraid of his reaction to what I'm about to say "Maybe you should make human that you can keep until you die that way you won't be lonely."
"I can't replace you Ruben. You're different then other humans I make. You were made by the love of my life and I was told to keep you safe...the other humans I make, I have no connection to. You're the only one"
"Then make a human that you can have a connection to."
"It isn't that simple Ruben. I can't just make a human I and have a connection."
"I'm sorry Rubert" I look at my hands. An idea pops in my head but I don't know if it will work. When Cea created me, she told Rubert to take care of me and love me, if I made a human and told Rubert to do the same maybe he will create a bond with that human. The only questions left are, where I'm going to do it and how long it will take.
"Rubert" I say when its silent.
"Yeah?" he asks.
"I want....I want to create a human"
"What? No. Absolutely not. No way, you'll get caught and then get arrested."
"You let Cea."
"I said the same things to her, she didn't listen of course"
"But Rubert. If I could create a human and hand it over to you, if I told you to takd care of it and love it like Cea tols you then you can get a connection."
"No. I don't want to take care of a human for 18 years only for it to be ripped away from me. Like Cea and you."
"But i could make a male that way you can keep it forever"
"No, they have to leave at 18 too."
"Not necessarily. Ermins creator lived with his creator for 40 years, Ermin plans on doing the same."
"Then they should have been arrested!! You think you know the world but you don't Ruben, I've been here for 35 years, you've only been here for 18. You know nothing" he shouts.
"God Rubert. You don't have to be a dick, i was trying to do something nice...now i can't wait to leave" I scoff and leave the room. I go to my bedroom and sit down on my bed. I love Rubert but he doesn't have to be a dick. I was trying to be nice and he treats me like...I don't know anything. He may be older than me but I still went to school, I still learned the same things as him. The planet hasn't changed the past since then, still has the same rules.
"Ruben." Rubert bangs on the door.
"WHAT!?!?" I call still angry.
"I'm sorry. Can we please talk about this?"
"No. I'm going to Reilly's" I stand and rush past him.
"Ruben!!!" he calls as I run down the stairs. I throw on my shoes and a jacket and go outside and start the walk to her house.

When I get there she's already outside talking to other humans.
"Hey Ruben" she says when she sees me.
"Hey" I wave and come over.
"Whats up"
"Rubert and I just got into it" I roll my eyes.
"What happened"
"He was treating me like I didn't know anything" I sit on her porch.
"You don't though" Oh here we go again, she always sticks up for him cause she likes him. I roll my eyes and she notices because she says "He doesn't want you to get hurt. In 3 weeks he will never see you again, he just loves you Rue" she shrugs.
"I know he does. But...just. Nevermind" I sigh.
"Do you want to come in for a drink?" she asks.
"Sure" I nod. She gets up and walks inside and I follow behind.
"Hey Rue. How are you?" Hay, Reilly's creator says as I walk past him.
"Fine" I shrug.
"I know you well enough to know that you're lying right now Rue. What's wrong"
"Nothing" I lie.
"Come on Ru-"
"Hay! She doesn't want to talk about it." Reilly interrupts him. He stays silent and we both go in to the kitchen.
"What do you want?"
"Water" I shrug not really caring. She pours me some water and places it in front of me.
"You have to hang out with him as much as possible Rue. He's going to miss you and you're going to miss him. Fighting isn't good for either of you"
"I know Reilly. I just needed to get out of there. I plan on spending the next three weeks with him like he's going to die. Rubert is...the best creator I could have ever asked for. Sometimes we just...butt heads."
"I'm just saying. With only a little time left you guys need to be closer than ever...why did you fight anyways?"
"I didn't want him to miss me. I wanted him to have someone to be close to. I told him I would create a human that he could love until he dies. A male, that way he wouldn't leave in 18 years. He freaked out and said that he would have to anyways. I told him that he could stay but he said I didn't know anything." I explain.
"Well the law says that all humans have to leave their family at age 18...with only few exceptions. Like Ermin."
"I know. I know." I chug most of my water.
"Just...apologize to him."
"Fine." I finish my water.
"Now" she orders.
"Fine" I walk out the door and walk back to the house.

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