Chp:-7 Le Jardin de l'Étoile - Experience

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We entered the restaurant and looked around. The manager came towards us and said, "Good afternoon. Welcome sir. Please come this way." He showed us our table.

We settled down. The waitresses came and poured water and were clearly ogling us. Randheer & Abhinav acted indifferent and I just smirked lightly and thanked them for pouring water and dismissed them. As soon as the waitress turned back, moved aside and walked away, I could see Dakshi walking towards us.

Abhinav said while looking around the restaurant, "Dakshi, this place is incredible! The ambience, the class, the elegance—it's all top-notch. You've truly outdone yourself. Can't help but say that."

Dakshita said, "Thank you, Abhinav. I'm glad you appreciate it. I wanted to create a space that reflects the fusion of Indian -, French, and French - Italian cuisines that we offer here. We'll ensure that you have a memorable experience dining out here with us in Le Jardin de l'Étoile."

Randheer said, "Absolutely, Dakshi. The menu is so unique and exquisite. I admire your creativity in bringing together vegan/vegetarian Indo-French and French-Italian dishes. It's a brilliant concept."

Dakshita cheekily said, "Thank you, jeejaji. I've put a lot of thought and effort into curating the menu. It's wonderful to hear such positive feedback from you both." She said while looking at Abhinav & Randheer.

Dakshita teasingly calls Randheer as jeejaji because Ayesha is her best friend/sister and Randy is her husband, Randy hates it when she calls him jeejaji which motivates Dakshita even more to do so.

I said while glancing at Dakshita, feeling a mix of emotions, "Dakshi, I must say, the restaurant looks amazing. You've done an incredible job."

Dakshita said while smiling, but with a hint of hesitation, "Thank you, Abhishek. I appreciate your kind words."

Things were weird and kinda complicated right now. Rajveer came out excitedly calling out to Dakshita. Ughh.....great just great! This guy has to make the situation even worse. He's a good guy and all but I can't help it my blood boiled while looking at him.

Rajveer said, "Dakshi! Guess what? I've come up with an amazing idea for a dessert that combines the best of Indo-French and Italian flavors. It's a 3-in-1 treat that will leave everyone in awe!"

Dakshita's face lit up with sheer excitement, "Rajveer, you never cease to amaze me! Tell me more about it. I'd love to hear your idea."

Rajveer explains his idea and the recipe and how they can go ahead with it. Dakshita listened carefully and was clearly impressed.

Rajveer said, "So you can include these in the Délice Multiculturel (Multicultural Delight) category in your menu."

Dakshita squealed and hugged Rajveer and said, "You're the best."

I watched as Dakshita and Rajveer hugged tightly,  a wave of jealousy washed over me. I can't quite understand why am I feeling this way. I came out of trance.

Abhinav curiously asked, "Rajveer, this dessert idea is truly brilliant! How did you come up with it?"

Rajveer said while smiling, "Well, it all started with Pallavi. Pallavi here, is my fiancé. She had this crazy fantasy of an Indo-Italian dessert, and I couldn't resist the challenge. With Dakshita's restaurant being Indo-French, I thought of adding a French twist to fulfill Pallavi's dream. It just clicked!"

Dakshita said excitedly, "Veer, you never cease to amaze me. I can't wait to try this dessert and add it to our menu. It sounds like the perfect addition." They high fived each other.

Randheer was impressed. He said, "That's incredible, Rajveer. You not only fulfilled Pallavi's dream but also added a touch of elegance with the French twist. I can't wait to taste it myself."

I was listening intently, feeling a sense of relief.

"Pallavi's fantasy? So, that's where this idea came from. It all makes sense now." I said.

My mind started racing as I reflected on my feelings & behavior towards Dakshita. Why do I feel this way about Dakshita? We've had a good rapport in the past, but it was never like this. And why does it feel so wrong yet so right? It's confusing, especially when I consider Kashish, my fiancé. I've never felt this conflicted before.

As I continued to ponder, struggling to understand my emotions, I was confused. What is it about Dakshita that evokes such a different reaction within me? Is it because she challenges me in ways Kashish never has? Or is there something more?

WHAT IS IT?.....................

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