2. A Surprise Like No Other

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"Are you sure everything is okay? I mean I want it to be perfect, you said it had to be-," I cut him off before he went into another nervous ramble.

"Everything is going to be perfect, I promise." I assured.

I placed my hands on my hips and glanced around the palace's secret garden. The picnic table was surrounded by many lit candles, and a multitude of ice formations, which reflected the flickering of the candles. Small ice crystals hung in the wind, and occasionally would chime when the wind picked up. The food would be brought out in an hour, so by the time Anna arrived, the sun will just begin to set.

"Everything looks wonderful, and you look very handsome," I say gesturing to Kristoff. I had the royal seamstress make him a new formal suit. He had argued that he could just wear his normal clothes, but I wouldn't allow that. I also made him take a bath. His hair was filthy, and not proposal ready at all. "Just breathe." Kristoff closed his eyes and slowed his breath.

"Okay, you know the plan. You'll stay here, and I'll bring Anna just before sunset." I grabbed my cloak and flung it around my shoulders. "The chefs will be out here with the din-" I stopped when I saw Olaf out of the corner of my eye trying to touch one of the candle flames.

"Olaf, don't touch that!" I yell.

Olaf giggles. "But I just love heat!"

I roll my eyes, "Olaf, it's warm out right now!"

"Oh yeah!" He waddles back over to my side.

I hop onto my horse, and Kristoff places Olaf in front of me.

"Like I said, relax. Everything will be perfect." I gave a small smile to Kristoff before taking the short horse ride back to the palace.

In hindsight, I didn't need a horse to take me back to the palace, the walk was only a few minutes. But I had the horse to pull the wagon of decorative items for the proposal, and I needed to take her back. When I bring Anna later tonight, we will walk there.

I arrive at the castle and hand the reins off to one of the servants.

"Thank you, sir." I say as he takes the reins.

"Are you coming, Olaf?" I ask the goofy snowman, who had his attention focused on a pot of flowers. He giggled and trotted behind me.

I didn't have the patience to search the whole castle for Anna, so I stopped the first maid I could find.

"Good afternoon, Heidi." I said.

"Good afternoon, your Majesty. Is there something I can assist you with?"

"Yes actually, do you happen to know where I can find Anna?"

"Why yes, Princess Anna is in the library."

"Thank you, m'am!"

I walk through the halls with Olaf in tow until I reach the library.

"Anna?" I call out.

"Elsa? Is that you?" I hear a small voice from the corner of the room.

"Anna!" Olaf exclaims. He runs ahead to give Anna a warm hug.

"Hi Olaf!" Anna laughs.

I sit down on the bench next to Anna. "What are you reading about?" I ask looking at the book she's holding. It's a dark blue book with the words "To Love an Outlaw" inscribed on the front.

"Oh, it's an amazing book! It's about this girl who falls in love with a criminal! How crazy, right?" She closes the book. "You have to read it sometime!"

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