5. Lonely

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The reception immediately followed the wedding. The whole kingdom swarmed into the ballroom where the party was taking place.
I took my seat on the throne at the front of the room, and awaited patiently for Anna and Kristoff to arrive for their first dance.
I sat up straight with my chin up, as a queen should, but as minutes passed, I grew restless. My posture dropped, and I glanced around the room. I could feel my fingers tapping on my lap.
"Where are they?" I whispered under my breath.
As I stood up though, Anna and Kristoff entered the room arm in arm. I sat down with a smile on my face, and I exhaled, relieved. I couldn't think of a reason why I should have been worried, Anna was in good hands. But I couldn't shake this feeling that something was off about the evening.
I shook my head, this was Anna's night, and I wouldn't let my irrational anxiety get the best of me.
The music filled the room, and Kristoff whirled Anna around the ballroom. The guests circled around them in awe. The violins echoed against the walls, and the small moments of silence were filled with gasps from the crowd, and the rustling of Anna's wedding gown.
It was a beautiful sight to be seen, and not just the sight itself, but the true love between the two of them. They danced like they were the only two people in the room.
And suddenly, I had this feeling wash over me, one I hadn't felt before. I was lonely. And while I had been alone my whole life, there was a large difference between being alone, and being lonely. Growing up, I chose to be alone to keep my family safe, and I was content with that. But I felt as I had finally gotten Anna back, and now she was being taken away again. I didn't have anyone like Anna had Kristoff, I just had myself.
I must've been lost in my thoughts longer than I anticipated, because the erupting sound of applause pulled me back into reality. The two of them had come to the end of their dance.
I stood up and walked over to them. I hadn't gotten the chance to talk to Anna since before the ceremony.

"Oh, hi Elsa!" Anna exclaimed, slightly out of breath from the dance.

"Hey there, sis." Kristoff smiled. I shot him a glare. "I- uh, mean, Elsa."
It was bizarre having him call me his sister. While that much was true, I don't think I could ever view someone as my sibling besides Anna.

"You look beautiful." I told Anna.

"You look beautifuller!" She replied. We laughed together at the small reminder from one of the better highlights of the evening of my coronation.

"Not tonight. Tonight, you are truly the most beautiful person here." I assured.
"Anna, I-" I was cut off by Bulda, Kristoff's adoptive mother, who wanted the attention of the bride and groom.

"I'm sorry, Elsa. Just.. Hold that thought!" Anna held her finger up as her and Kristoff were being pulled through the crowd by the troll.

I sighed. Alone again. Lonely.

Is this what Anna felt her whole life? How would I ever be able to repay for all of those years I shut her out? This feeling... just wouldn't go away. It was like being hungry, but no food to satisfy the need. The only difference was that once you obtain the food, you can consume it with no difficulty. But when you're lonely, you crave one thing, and sometimes that one thing won't be willing to give you that satisfaction.

I felt a familiar sensation, I looked down at my hands which were emitting tiny snowflakes.

"What... I thought I was in control of my powers?" I muttered under my breath.

I crossed my arms tightly and hastily left the ballroom.

"Queen Elsa, is everything alright?" A palace guard inquired as I rushed past the ballroom doors.

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