16. One Too Many

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Hans' POV

It had been about two weeks since Elsa and I recognized our feelings for one another. And two weeks since she made it clear that we could never be more than friends.

And she was right.

I couldn't stand the thought of leaving her behind in what should be any day now. Knowing that if we pursued our hearts, and that I would leave her, and never be able to see her again... well, I could not die peacefully with that thought.

Despite all of that, these have been the best two weeks of my life. As the thirteenth son of the Southern Isles, I was often forgotten, ridiculed, and unwanted. My royal status robbed me of my childhood, my family stole my spirit. I was a shell of a man that had adapted to avoid people all together, because they would only hurt me in the end. Physically or emotionally. I was the embarrassment, the mistake, and the people of my own kingdom made sure I knew that.

"I don't think he'll ever find a bride at this point. Pathetic."

"We're going to be stuck with him in this castle till the day he dies."

"Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll finish the job early for us."

I clung to the sliver of my heart that remained, in hopes that one day my life would be worth it. I was desperate, and in that desperation, I hurt my new friends here in Arendelle. I did what I did because I didn't want to go back, and for some sick reason, I wanted to make my family proud of me. For some reason, I cared what their opinion was of me, when I knew all along they'd prefer I'd never been born.

But that doesn't excuse my actions towards Elsa and Anna. And for my last few days, I will work to make things right.

For my last few days, Arendelle is my home.

It was dinnertime here in the castle, and it has easily become one of my favorite events through the day. The whole staff and my crew joined us, and the feast only grew grander with each evening- as per Elsa's orders. There was always a surplus of leftovers, and they were given to people in need in the kingdom after dinner was finished. It was something my family had never done.

I sat beside Elsa, who was at the head of the table, Anna sat across from me, and Kristoff beside her. Anna had stopped shooting me menacing glares, and I started to feel like a normal person in her eyes. Perhaps it was just a facade ordered by her sister, but it made me feel welcome for the first time in my life.
We joined hands to say grace, Elsa's hand squeezed mine.

"Hans, perhaps you should lead grace this evening?" Elsa suggested with a heart melting smile.

"Me? I couldn't- I've never... I mean, I wouldn't know what to say." I stuttered. I felt all the eyes at the table stabbed in my direction.

"Just think of what you're thankful for." Elsa assured.

"I always include dessert when I say grace." Anna chimed in, her mouth watering, "what is for dessert?"

"A chocolate mousse with biscuits." One of the chefs responded.

"Ooooo! My favorite!!" Anna exclaimed. Elsa cleared her throat to regain attention. "Oh, sorry!" Anna whispered.

"You'll be fine, Hans. It comes from the heart." Elsa squeezed my hand once more. "And I know you have a great one."

I took a deep breath. I could just recite one of the graces Elsa has led. Would she recognize it though? It wouldn't truly come from the heart if I reused one.

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