9. For the Record

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I spent several hours locked away in my bedroom. Whether I was hiding or relaxing I wasn't sure. I tried to make a dent in Anna's reading list, but I couldn't bring myself to focus on the story.
Some of the maids stopped by and attempted to bring me to lunch, but I wasn't in the mood to entertain Hans again. Our last conversation left me more or less irritated, and at one point I even questioned if had made the right decision by allowing him to take refuge in Arendelle.

I snatched the last croissant off of my desk and nibbled at it. After the snack was nothing but crumbs at my feet, I made the decision to go to the library. I ventured out of my bedroom, cautiously looking around each corner as to avoid Hans.

While my attempts at reading earlier had failed, I had grown rather interested in scanning the historical records. I realized during my time alone today that I had no knowledge of Hans other than his actions performed before me. Our records are in process of being updated again. For over a decade, they were left untouched after the gates were closed. All of our neighboring kingdoms send documents for our royal historian to file.

A few years prior to my parents' death, my father began to introduce me to these records. "As a princess, it is important to know your neighbors," he had told me. I detested studying these as it only reminded me that one day I would rule with a power I hadn't controlled.

My finger filed through the old, leather-bound book until I landed on Southern Isles. We had just received the  documents to update our books, so any information should be accurate.

The Southern Isles is a small, but very powerful kingdom. Made up of seven islands in the middle of a large sea. Known for its export of fish and other sea products. Ruled by a king and queen, and a prince named Caleb who was the current heir to the throne. Twelve other sons sat in line for the throne, and sure enough, Hans' name was found at the end of the long list.
A brief description sat next to a portrait of each family member, and I quickly read through them.
According to these documents, every brother was married, and almost all of them had children. Except for Hans.

I turned the page, where more statistics on the family could be found. Birthdays, physical descriptions, and skills were just some of the information  found. I slid my finger down the page until I reached the end, where Hans' information was found.

Hair color: Red (mother)
Eye Color: Green (mother)
Height: 180cm
Skills: none

None? I wondered what qualifies as a skill in the Southern Isles. At least from the short time I've interacted with Hans, I understand he's at least an experienced dancer. And I'm positive he's skilled in swordsmanship.

I continued reading.

Marital Status: Single

Of course I knew that. Who would be crazy enough to fall for Hans? Well, my sister... But she loves crazy.
The rest of the biographies ended at marital status, however, Hans' contained one more word below that information.


My eyes were fixed on that word, almost like each point to each letter were fishing hooks that pulled my eyes in. It was painful to look away, but just as painful to keep staring. I thought these documents were updated? Perhaps they were too updated. I'm not positive who was in charge of collecting the data to send off, but Hans' execution must've been recorded before it occurred.

I slammed the book shut. I felt a pain in my chest, a pain I was too familiar with. These kind of records are shipped off to all surrounding countries, which could only mean that Hans is truly dead in the eyes of all of these kingdoms.

I couldn't fathom a family that would allow the execution of their own son. I couldn't imagine that kind of hate.

This day had taken its toll on me, and Anna wouldn't return for several more hours. I made the decision to take a bath, which was sure to relax my nerves. I ventured back to my bedroom so I could change into my robe.

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