6. A Dead Man's Wish

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"Hans?" I gasped. My mouth hung open.

"Hans! You no good lying..." Anna started marching towards him before she was stopped by a guard grabbing her shoulders. If she could have steam coming out of her ears, she would.

"What are you doing here?" I inquired, still shocked.

"Well, I was... uh- invited." Hans stuttered. One of the guards handed me an envelope with Anna's wedding invitation inside.

"You invited him?" Anna turned to me.

"What? No!" I brought my hand to my forehead. "We put his name down as a joke, remember?" I saw Hans' face flinch at the word 'joke'. "I must've forgotten to remove his name."

"Oh... right." Anna pursed her lips. "Wait, so you've been here the whole time?" Anna turned back to Hans.

"No, I uh, they.. the guards took me away before the ceremony started." Hans muttered.

"When does your ship leave?" I asked.

"It leaves tomorrow." His voice cracked at the last word.

I was silent for a moment as I thought about what to do from there.

"Anna, could I speak to you outside?"

I grabbed Anna's hand and led her out of the cell.

"I think we should let him enjoy the festivities." I finally spoke.

"Earth to Elsa, are you crazy?" She waved her hand in front of my face. "Don't you remember, he tried to kill me? He tried to kill you, too!"

"I know, I know." I said putting my hands up. "But I don't think he would try anything tonight. Both times he tried to hurt us, he thought no one else was around. Well, we have the whole kingdom here tonight."

Anna nodded, deep in thought.

"We also have guards watching over us." I assured

"I don't know..." Anna spoke.

"Isn't the whole reason we wanted to invite him in the first place was the show him how happy you are now without him?"

"I guess..." Anna gave in. "But," she shot her finger at me, "if he tries anything, you can't hold me back this time."

I laughed and agreed to her terms.

I wasn't sure why I was trying so hard to defend him. Maybe it's because I saw a bit of myself in him. He tried hard to do what was best for others, but would just end up hurting the ones he tried to please.
I believed in second chances. Anna had given me more chances than I deserved. And the kingdom had given me one as well. So why should Hans not be given the same respect?

We went back into the prison cell. For the first time since we had come down here, Hans lifted his head up to look at us. His eyes looked tired and defeated, and dark circles underlined them. The corners of his lips lifted ever-so slightly.
It was at that point that I realized that he probably had heard every word we had said. I turned to look at the hole at the top of the door purposed for communication to the prisoner.

I turned to face him again. "Anna and I have decided to let you enjoy the rest of the evening."

His smile grew more.

"On the condition that these two guards will monitor you the entire evening. You will speak when spoken to, and you will respect everyone in that room, from maids to diplomats." I spoke firmly, and he nodded at each order.

"And you will leave first thing in the morning back to the Southern Isles." I concluded. Hans' smile fell and his eyes grew distant. He shut them before nodding again.

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