Rent Free Dancing Demons

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Once Gemstone and I have stuck back through Passageway 54; I don't head straight up to my room. I drop my little sister back at her door where a sleeping Val is. As she opens the door, we can hear Val's snoring. He snores worse than a hibernating bear!

"Uh." She whispers in horror.

"Good luck with that." I chuckle out.

"Don't you dare leave me with that. That. That thing that isn't Valley, Cian." She whines.

"Not my issue!" I whisper as I laugh.

"Cian! I'll strangle you in your sleep." She threatens.

This causes her to laugh as I stare at her with amusement. She wouldn't dare.

"You know if I don't get any sleep; I will be like the Snicker's commercial where they are hangry. You want me hangry tomorrow?" She says with a sickly sweet voice while batting her lashes.

"I'll just ship myself to the blackhole if you become crazy. Easy solution." I joke.

"Whatever." is all she grumbles out as I walk down towards the stairs.

I glance over my shoulder and see she's still standing at her doorway; conteplating her life decisions. She was her brows furrowed like she is thinking. Her furrowed brows turn into a face of horror. She glances over at where I am standing on the top stair. Her eyes looked glassed over like she is about to break down. She has her mouth open while her eyes are wide.

"Are you coming?" I call out.

"You don't have to ask me twice." She says as she lets her door go.

All I can hear is her little footsteps running down the small hall after me.

"I can't believe you were going to actually make me stay with the snoring hibernating bear!" She yells as we make it to my room.

"I am wounded. You actually thought so low of me?" I joke as I place my right hand over my heart and left forearm over my head.

"Dramatic much." She grumbles.

"Like you weren't five minutes ago?" I fire back.

I watch as my sister takes her side of my bed as I take my own spot. As soon as her head hits the pillow, she is out like a light. Her soft snores fill my quiet bedroom. Her mouth is slightly open and she is already drooling.

Only Gem.

I lay on my back staring up at my ceiling. I've been staring at the same spot for the last hour. Glancing at my clock, it read 3:30. I guess I won't be falling asleep anytime soon. Carefully, I crawl out of bed so I don't wake the grouchy princess up; that is asleep next to me. She looks her age and has a peaceful features playing on her face. She doesn't look tired, she doesn't look like death really. No one has told her she looks like shit sometimes. But, it's obvious when Little Gem hasn't slept. She won't open up and tell anyone what bothers her some nights. Except for me. Gem and I get each other and we understand each other the most. Like everyone says; we should have been twins. But, we aren't and that is perfectly fine. I don't know all the demons in her head just like she doesn't know all of mine. If the demons are bad, I think we dull it down so we don't worry each other. Does it work? No, we still worry the same if not more. I think it is because we know how much each other is dealing with and don't want to be a burden. I, however, wouldn't think her demon overload on me would be a burden. I don't tell her all the details because I don't need her stressing an worrying even more. I can handle my demons, she can't. I let my demons dance in my head. Like they are currently, which is why I have my journal and pen in my head. I write everything down even after Gem finding my journals twice already. I haven't learned my lesson and I probably never will. Each time she has found them, she has saved me from doing something stupid... Each time.... She is my Saviour. She is the light that guides me through the dark. She is my rock. She is....... Gemma. My baby sister who happens to save me from myself.

Is it bad that my demons won't go away? That most the time I agree with them? If Gemstone knew this, she would beat me with a four foot long stick that is five inch thick. Currently, the said girl is sleeping in my bed. She has her own demons to face which why I don't burden her with my own. It is suppose to be the older brothers who protect the younger siblings or sisters. Yet, I think she has saved me more times than I have saved her. This fight is my fight. I can't put more stress on the youngest Rossi. I feel selfish when I even mention to her a sliver of what is dancing in my head. Bouncing off the circular walls in my skull. I needed the stargazing tonight because I have been having thoughts... Those thoughts. Those sinful thoughts. Thoughts that would crush Gem more than anyone her. I couldn't do that to my sister. Not her. She's just simply Gem and my ghost would have kicked my ghostly ass for leaving her. She would be lost, she would hurt, she would be angry, confused, lash out, uncontrollable, or her demons would make her chose her fate. The fate that I am constantly battling. If I go, who would care besides Gem? If Gem goes, it would crush our entire family. Like I said, she is the LIGHT to our very dark world. She's more valuable alive than dead. If me dying would cause her to lose her fight with her demons, than I will stay with my katana chopping each other dragon's head off one by one. For her, I have to fight. For her, I won't give up.

For HER.

I wake up and stretch my limbs. I had fallen asleep at my desk with my journal and pen in hand. I glance down and see my journal and pen has vanished into thin air again...... I glance around and don't see my sleeping sister... That only means one thing! I storm out of my room, slamming the door in the process. As I get closer to the kitchen, I hear a certain voice.

"Shit! I gotta go!" Gemma whispers.

"Language!" Matteo scowls.

I see her body in a blur exit the kitchen.

"GEMMA!" I scream.

Not again.


Hello lovelies!

Finally got this update done. I just need to work on two more updates this weekend. Starting Monday, I will be updating with a schedule.. Monday-Friday. <3

Mondays will be: In Between The Storm, Zephyr, Live. Love. Laugh Part 2.

Tuesdays will be: Ultimate Sacrifice, Tangled Thoughts,

Wednesdays will be: Fire Within, It All Started.

Thursdays will be: The Rise Of The Dragon: Creed MC Book 3 (Dylan's)

Fridays will be: If I miss any updates for the week. This will be the day I catch up.

I hope you have a great day and/or night.



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