Something Smells Like Fishy and It Isn't The Fish

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Slowly, the Demons in my head have subsided into the back of my brain. Gemma wanted to play Marco Polo so, you know what we are currently playing right now? Exactly what Gemma wanted, Marco Polo.

"MARCO!" Gianni screams out into a roar.

A few birds in the yard have scattered and took flight else elsewhere. I swear, he could have woken the dead up from their slumber.

"POLO!" The rest of us yells out to the Heavens above. Again, our voices are so loud, the remainder of the birds have soared the skies looking for peace elsewhere.

Each of us start moving in different directions as Gianni gets closer to us. I watch as Gemma and Kane bump heads against one another.

"Ow! Shit that hurt!"

"Geez, your head is hard as stone!"


I watch in amusement as Gianni corners Gemma, Kane, and Matteo. If only Matteo would have kept his adulting remark to himself, he wouldn't be the prey.

"Why did you have to cuss for?" Matteo whines out to Gemma.

"If you would have let it slip and not corrected my language you wouldn't be in this situation, idioto." Gemma fires back as she barely misses Gianni's out reached hand.

Biting the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing at these two. If one chuckle comes out, Gianni can literally turn to the right and slap me in the face.

Don't you dare laugh!

Not even a small barely audible chuckle Cian.

Don't laugh.

Don't move.

Don't make a sound.

"Move idiot!" Gemma screeches out as she shoved Matteo forward towards Gianni.

"Traitor!" Matteo mewls in horror as Gianni's finger is centimeters from his eye.

Before Gianni could poke Matteo in the eye; Matteo lifts his head higher and bites Gianni on that said finger. This causes Gianni to wail in fright.

"That's my finger! Let go you fucking piranha!" Gianni screeches out in a whiny voice.

"La-nugg-uuuje" Matteo inaudibly speaks as he shakes his head. The same head attached to Gianni's finger.

"Let go of my finger you cannibal stronzo!" Gianni snaps as he slaps Matteo with his free hand up to of his head.

"Matty is it!" Gemma announces to the world around us.

This goes on for hours. Mainly Gemma managing to get every single one of us in Matteo's vulnerable position. That is until Max had had enough and dunked her underwater. Gemma came out the water with vengeance in her eyes. Polo ends with a big splashing match all because Max had to the balls to dunk Gem underwater. Father had the grill going halfway through our games; now, we're all racing to the table for our seat. I'm sitting in front of Gemma and Kane is directly to the left of Gem.

That's odd.

Right, they never sit beside each other.

Something fishy is going on.

And it isn't the fish!

Once dad has the food situation in front of us. We start to pile our plates with fish and seafood. My eyes are on Gem and Kane as I eat. My eyes never leaving their area. I notice Gem's left hand is under the table like Kane's right hand is. I narrow my eyes at the spot their hands should be. I don't know what emotion I'm feeling right now all I can say is I don't like it.

"Gems can you pass the salt?" I ask my sister in a sweeter than normal voice.

I watch as she pulls her left hand from under the table as Kane pulls his right hand out. Using her left hand, she slides the salt to me.


It's the best I could do.

Jealous much?


"So, what are we planning to do for the rest of the week?" Gianni asks.

"Training." Renzo says in a low grumble.

"Why?" Dad questions Gianni.

"We were thinking of taking Lucian to race this weekend." Alonzo says.

"If that's okay with you, Father." Max suddenly speaks.

"We could make it a family outing. If you all want some spectators." Julian offers.

"Sounds good to me." Gianni says with a smile.

"Yeah. We can make it an outing." Father agrees.

After the questions have come to an end; Gemma and Kane begin their own conversation. With everyone speaking, it's hard to hear what those two are talking about.

Something is fishy and I'm not talking about the damn fish.

What are these two up too?

Word Count: 750

It's a shorter chapter. I'm sorry. Next one shall be longer. I promise. ❤️

Tangled Thoughts (Book #2 Rossi Series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz