4. Wonderless II

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Remi patted the little creature's head gratefully and looked back to the castle. Although his home was still in a state of disarray, he didn't seem to care. He had a holographic machine that could make the mess disappear in seconds if he wanted, but his thoughts were elsewhere. He was worried about Darren and what might have happened to him. He might have been killed by mobs or been kidnapped - which was why he called Remi, the one person he trusted implicitly. He had to know if Darren was safe, otherwise his mind wouldn't rest. So Remi thanked the little creature for its help.

"I'd call you Miko, the Mouse," said Remi calmly.

Remi watched with a fond smile as Miko scurried away, his little body quickly disappearing from view. It ran with such speed, as if its freedom was something it had been longing for. Remi looked down at the letter still in his hands and sighed. He had hoped that he would have to keep Miko as his pet, to play with him and watch him grow. He couldn't help feeling a little bit sad, but he knew it was for the best. Miko deserved to be free and explore the world around. Remi watched until the last sight of the little mouse had vanished and he was alone once again. He stood there for a few moments, then he tucked the letter away in his pocket and walked away.

Without pause, Remi donned his formal attire and his extraterrestrial armor. He had to make sure he was prepared for the impending meeting with Darren. Carefully and diligently, he adjusted his holographic watch to pinpoint the exact address mentioned in the letter. He had to hurry, as the night began to grow dark and the urgency of the situation set in. Remi was anxious; he had a feeling that Darren was in some sort of trouble. Finally, he made his way out of his castle, locking all the doors securely with his magical staff. He had to get to Darren before it was too late.

Remi hurriedly trekked down off the snowy mountain he called home. Every night, the atmosphere was eerie and unsettling, so in order to combat the darkness, Remi had attached a lightblock in front of him to illuminate his path. As he looked at his watch for directions, he noticed the path led to a thick, deep forest. As Remi ventured further, his worries started to increase with each step. He had never been this far away from home before and the darkness of the night made the meadow even more intimidating. He could hear the rustling of leaves and the occasional howling of the wind. Remi was determined to reach his destination, but he couldn't help but feel a wave of uncertainty wash over him.

Running in the middle of an unsettling meadow in the night, wild beasts roam freely around him, the stars in the sky twinkling so beautifully but still unable to make the scene any less scary. The moonlight casts strange shadows across the grass and a chill runs down Remi's spine. Remi can hear the rustling of small creatures and the distant hooting of an owl. The air smells of damp earth and the lush vegetation of the meadow. Everywhere he looked, he could see movement and shapes, but it's hard to make out what they were in the darkness. The silence was almost oppressive, and he finds himself holding his own breath, waiting for something to happen. Despite the beauty of the stars, Remi couldn't help but feel uneasy, like something lurked in the shadows waiting to pounce.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Remi heard a loud hissing noise coming from behind him. He whirled around to find a creeper standing just a few feet away from him. It was massive, standing almost as tall as him and its eyes were glowing a bright green. Remi was so startled that he could hardly move. He could feel his heart pounding as he watched it slowly move closer and closer. The creeper raised its arms and Remi realized that it was about to explode. Remi quickly dove and dug a hole with his staff to the ground and put his hands over his head, bracing himself for the blast. Fortunately, the explosion wasn't as bad as he had feared, but it was still enough to leave his ears ringing and his heart racing. It was definitely a surprise that Remi won't forget anytime soon.

Unfortunately, he didn't make it very far before he was attacked by a horde of zombies and spiders. Remi was terrified, but he managed to fend them off and keep running, flying, and teleporting. He had no idea where he was going, but he knew he had to keep going, no matter what.

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