Splash of love! 🌪🌝

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You never would have thought such a small accident would lead to something as chaotic as hiding from the collector.

It was the night before, and all was well. There was a fire place running and potions being boiled over it, burbling playfully.

You had everything you needed right in that little slice of time. But, Collector was acting weird. He would nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck and just stay there. If you tried to pull away he would let out a grunt/growling noise.

You eventually distracted him by asking him to help, taking ingredients into the cauldron, and keep stirring.

Though the plan worked for a Little while, something went...wrong.

As the collector carried the final ingredient, he tripped. Into the one shelf that held all your potions. He caught most of them...until one of them slipped out, and the others followed.

You froze, watching an amalgamation of expressions sprawl across his face. Sorrow, Confusion, Compassion, and at least five you've never even seen before.

You noticed that they were sweating too...What the hell happened?!

The God stood up and lifted a hand to you. Y/n! Oh, I feel eons better. You
really are amazing. He spoke with a voice dripping and oozing with a burning compassion.

Suddenly you were ensnared in a mass of ribbons, weaving around your body like snakes.

Collector why are you-!

They placed a finger to your mouth and grinned, shaking slightly. Y/n, dear, you wouldn't want me to go to desperate measure to keep you quiet, would you?
You swallowed hard and shook your head. Shamefully, a blush fled to your face, making the collector chuckle.

King walked in the room and looked like he just electrocuted himself, and covered his eyes. Y/n? You're needed somewhere else. If you're busy right now I-

NO! I-I mean no! Its t-totally fine! Let's go!

You said, wriggling out of your bindings.

You and king took a star, off the balcony, and flew. The awkward silence was almost strangling, making you unable to speak.

Uhm, King?


We weren't doing anything right? It was...kind of...forced? For me to look like that but I kinda guess that's my fault.


I messed up a potion okay?! I don't even know how to fix this problem.

Well y/n...If you don't know how to fix it...why don't you just leave and stay with Eda and lillith?

You considered the offer, thinking carefully, and took it, hoping not to be an intruder.

Until you heard a mumble of the collector in the back of your head, are you alone, I'm coming for you.

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