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Underneath the luminescent glow of the crescent moon, Izuku wandered the meandering streets of the ancient town. There was an ethereal calm about the night, broken only by his footsteps echoing back to him, each step drawing him deeper into the labyrinth of his memories, Painful waves of confusion and headaches.

The scent of night-blooming Sakura wafted through the air, each whiff rekindling memories Izuku couldn't quite grasp. He felt drawn to this place, like a moth to a flame, seeking something - or someone - he had lost.

A sudden rustle from a narrow alleyway to his left broke his reverie. He turned towards the sound of desperate running; from the shadows emerged a tiny figure, her white hair gleaming under the moonlight. She collided with him, her momentum sending them both stumbling. Instinctively, Izuku reached down to steady the little girl, their eyes meeting in a dance of recognition.

Everything about this girl came to him, rather painfully, but now he understood why he felt the need to find this little girl, why his head kept sending him the memories of her even if it hurt him. Tears began to run as his heart accelerated with adrenaline and anger, the sight of her hurt, wrapped in bandages, and fear cast on his little unicorn's face. He would get the chance again to meet the man who did this to his little unicorn; only he would torture him until he died. But that didn't matter as he had finally found her, or more like she had finally found him.

"Are you okay?", "Eri," Izuku breathed, his voice thick with emotions showing on his face, tears of happiness threatening to drop.

The delicate figure, no older than six or seven, looked up with eyes shimmering with tears. Before he could find more words, she lunged into his arms, her tiny body trembling with sobs.

"Papa," she managed to choke out between her tears. "I thought... I thought I'd lost you."

The weight of his forgotten past pressed upon Izuku as fragments of memories began to take shape. When he was dying, the broken face of his little angle hurt him.

Tightly holding onto Eri, he whispered, "It's alright. I'm here. I've got you." The depth of emotion in those simple words bore the weight of promises made and promises to be kept.

Drawing back slightly to ensure the reality of the moment, Eri planted a gentle kiss on his cheek, leaving a trace of her tears. "I missed you, Papa," she murmured, her voice breaking the silence of the night.

As they stood enveloped in their shared embrace, izuku began to move away from the area, running back to the only place where Eri could receive top medical support without scaring her. He ran as fast as he could back to UA where they could help him further with assistance with Eri, knowing if he met Overhaul now, he wouldn't be able to make it back alive, not directly at least, as he held his little angel once again, now clinging on him as she slept, passing out due to the reuniting of them both.

Feeling Eri's steady heartbeat against his own, Izuku realized that, sometimes, life offered second chances in the most unexpected ways. And as the night deepened, casting its tranquil spell around them, he knew that, come what may, he would never let go of this second chance ever again.

The world seemed a blur as Izuku sprinted through the streets, Eri's limp form cradled carefully against his chest. Her soft, rhythmic breaths against his neck were a sharp contrast to his panting, Yet they were soothing music to his ears. The looming silhouette of UA High School came into view, and it felt like a beacon in the darkest night.

As he neared the entrance, alarm bells began to ring. Security robots, designed to ward off intruders, activated and moved threateningly toward him. Their cold, mechanical voices demanded his departure. But Izuku was unyielding in his determination. All that mattered was getting Eri to recovery girl so she could get checked up.

Amidst the chaos, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows. "Midoriya?!" exclaimed Mr. Aizawa, his capturing weapon flowing behind him, ready for action. The stern look in Aizawa's eyes faltered when he saw the frail form in Izuku's arms.

"Sensei," Izuku said, "I need to see recovery girl!"

Understanding dawned in Aizawa's eyes. He quickly turned off the security bots with a flick of his cloth and approached his student, all the robots returning to their original positions. "Explain," he ordered, although his tone was softer than usual.

Breathing heavily, Izuku relayed what he had done and where he found her, scared, running away from her abuser's father as Izuku grabbed her and ran as fast as he could.

Without wasting a moment, Aizawa motioned for Izuku to follow him. They moved quickly through the familiar corridors of UA. "You're going to get an earful from Recovery Girl for this," Aizawa mentioned a faint hint of amusement in his voice.

Izuku could only nod, the gravity of his actions starting to dawn on him

" My poor shins"

They halted in front of Recovery Girl's office, and Aizawa knocked after a moment's hesitation.

"What on earth...?" came the exasperated voice of Recovery Girl. The door opened to reveal her, her stern gaze immediately softening at the sight of the girl.

Before launching her usual lecture, Izuku quickly explained, "She's hurt, ma'am. She needs a medical checkup."

Recovery Girl nodded, her professional demeanor taking over. She ushered them in and began her examination of Eri. As she worked, Aizawa's phone buzzed with incoming messages. Scanning them, he turned to Izuku.

"Principal Nezu wants to see you. Now."

Swallowing hard, Izuku nodded. As he followed Aizawa, he cast a lingering glance over his shoulder, catching sight of Eri, now bathed in the soft glow of Recovery Girl's office lights. The image of her peaceful face etched in his memory symbolizes the hope and determination that drove him forward.

The journey to Nezu's office was fraught with tension. The weight of the situation and the decisions Izuku had made began to press down on him. But he held his head high, ready to face whatever consequences awaited, for he knew he had done the right thing in bringing Eri to UA.

I'm sorry for taking so long to update this; I'm currently working on changing a few things for the first part of this story and my new one that came up; give my other account some love, an IZUKU x MOMO story. Again I'm sorry.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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