Chapter 2: Clash & Commotion

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" I am going to make her life hell! She couldn't replace me. " 

Karishma mumbled wrapping her palm with a black cloth; readying herself up for a punching session. She wasn't liking this idea of having a partner. She needed nobody else to bring the best in her. Moreover, the very intention of this police officer could be corrupt, could be wrong. She didn't want to be restricted by someone who had bad intention. 

" Maybe she will be of use. You can make her do all your work! "

Santosh chimed in while doing some work over her laptop; not seeing that her senior wasn't in the mood to joke. Karishma smashed her hand on the table in frustration; scaring the poor soul who had made the comment. 

" She will never ever do my work. It's mine and that SI Haseena Malik isn't going to take it! "

" Have some water maddam! Please calm down. " 

Santosh tried handing a glass of water to the angered Karishma but to her bad luck Karishma only glared at her innocent face and went off inside the gym room for some first class training. The sounds of the punches thumped inside Santosh's heart as she wiped off the sweat from her forehead.  

" Oh God! Please save that SI. She's going to have a hard time. " 

" Am I ? "

A sweet honeyed voice fell over Santosh's ears as she turned to see the very person she was praying for a few minutes ago. 

" Yes. Don't mess with her. She's going to eat you alive! " 

Dear Santosh Sharma even forgot to introduce herself to her senior and advised truthfully from the depths of her heart. Haseena smiled slightly and observed Santosh's little innocence intently. She knew in a look that this tiny butterfly of an officer was the most clean hearted person she ever had come across. 

" Well then. I am really sorry dear. My very work is to mess with her; so that she can't mess around. " 

Santosh saw the spark in Haseena's eyes and prayed once again in her heart. Her naive self although a little vulnerable was intuitive and she had in Haseena found Karishma's biggest rival. It was going to be a tough fight. 

" Welcome. So YOU are the SI they sent to better me up hn! "

Karishma strode outside the gym room while sweat dripped off her entire body. She gave a good look at Haseena and started to giggle. 

" What's there to laugh about? "

Haseena twitched up a gentle smile while her hands made their way behind her back; in a perfect formal posture. The question silenced Karishma. Never had anyone replied so respectfully of her mocking laughter before. 

" YOU look fragile! One blow and you will be out. How are you ever going to be a help. Go away before I will force you to. " 

Karishma rebuked Haseena. She always did so to anyone she wanted to test. Circumnstances reveal a lot about a person's character. How they react in anger was one of those tests Karishma always had on every officer. Most used to get out of control in the very first step. Rebuking and ridiculing Karishma back.

But Haseena was different. 

" I might be fragile, but physicality isn't the only factor making one win in a situation. I thought you had better knowledge Ms. Karishma. " 

While the control in Haseena's voice even after the rude comment shocked Karishma a little; the taunt in the end made her excited. She finally had a good competition. It was going to be fun. 

" You better have the knowledge that you are a fool to challenge me! "

" You are a fool to think that I am challenging you. I am here to do my duty; as was asked of me. " 

Karishma paused and looked deep in the eyes of this new officer who was so different from the others. Haseena looked back with equal intensity.

The clashing words kind of rose a cloud of competition and vigor in both the police officers. They both had their own points to make. One wanted to prove the department wrong in thinking of her as weak alone; while the other wanted to show the best wasn't only from being a punishing force with physical power. 

" Jai Hind Sir. SI Haseena Malik reporting. "

Haseena saluted as SHO Rajiv Malhotra entered in the thana. Karishma too wore her cap and saluted the senior. In doing so though, Karishma deliberately stepped on Haseena's foot. Haseena's eyes widened in shock but she didn't utter a word.

Karishma however gave a cruel look to Haseena on which Haseena scowled back with utmost contempt on her face. The SHO didn't fail to notice the rivalry already started to build amongst them both. But he smiled. 

" Do you both know that the best of the friendships generally start with hate. " 

" Oh is that so sir. Then I really love this weakling here. " 

Karishma taunted and Haseena rolled her eyes. The exchange made the SHO chuckle a little as he reminisiced one of his own friends being the same competetive brats in the beggining. He blessed them both in his heart while forming a strict demeanor outside. Afterall he had to do his duty. 

" Enough. I want you two to be together. It will not be good for any of you to be fighting while at work. It's not your playground. Understood. " 

" Yes sir! "

The duo replied in unison; both gritting their teeth. The SHO shook his head in disbelief as he could see clearly the friction both of them had in working together. He left after briefing Haseena with the latest cases. 

" You will be out of here before you know it! "

Karishma whispered grabbing Haseena's arm tightly when Haseena was going through a latest case file. Haseena jerked her hand free and glared Karishma right in her face; replying with determination.

" We will see. " 

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