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Mature stories are intended for an audience that is 17 and up. There are restrictions on discovering Mature stories on Wattpad that help ensure they reach the correct audience. A story may be rated Mature if it contains any of the following:

1 Explicit sex scenes

2 Self-harm themes or scenes (including suicide and eating disorders)

3 Graphic depictions of violence; including but not limited to: sexual, verbal, emotional and physical abuse.

Above ☝ is the portion of wattpad guidlines for rating one's story Mature. One of the stories uploaded in this book fulfills one of the criterias and thus I am rating this book Mature. 

The second story written herein contains the theme of suicide. All due precaution have been taken to not make it feel triggering and graphic. The story does not contain any explicit sex scenes. 

It's a fanfiction based on a local television serial of India named Maddam Sir. The entire story is fictitious and is not related to anything real. 

The book is not intended to make anyone feel blue. The only intention is to make it a source of entertainment. I hope you enjoy reading. Thank you :)

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