1] LIFE again!

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NOTE -This is a completely different story that I am trying to write. I hope for it to be written nicely :)


Human beings are the only species present on this planet who are aware of the obvious cessation of themselves in this lifetime.

Anything that's born, inevitably comes to an end. It is this awareness which has developed the deepest questions amongst the existence of human kind. It is this knowing of an expiry date which we all carry in our pockets the second we breath into this world.

Where have we come from? Where all will we go to? What is the reason of this existence? Why am I even here? Who am I?

Unable to find any answers to these questions, Haseena Malik stood on the rooftop, looking down at the labyrinth of the roads. From the 36th floor, all looked miniature, spread over thousands of acres like ants rushing round in the dirt. She found her life ever more meaningless.

" What does this even mean! "

She muttered stepping closer to the edge. Her face a mixture of blankness and surrender. She didn't know how exactly was she feeling.

" My 30 year old brain be lagging like a 2005 Dell Desktop. "

She chuckled on her own pun, suddenly dropping back to a blank expression within a blink, breathing in the whirly wind which whipped up her face with a ferocious speed. She looked down once more. The abyss was calling her towards the drop.

Her 5 year long career as a software engineer had been fine. She never lacked financially to cater to her basic needs. Her mom was doing good and was happy with her daughter's progress. The recent promotion was indicating a better life. Even a luxurious one. It excited her so called friends. Not her though. Not her!

She felt the void expand ever so more inside her bossom.

" Maybe this would tell me why! Maybe this.. " She choked on her own thoughts, closed her eyes, clenched her fists, taught her legs, crunched her spine and in a moment of extreme rush, leaned in to let it all be on the fate. Her veins felt numb. Her heart raced. The time stopped!

The body was about to leave off in an irreversible chemical reaction, never to be brought back again. The answer though probably was meant to be recieved in her LIFE only, not her death! A pair of hands wrapped round her waist and pulled her back with a wild force.

" Ouchh! "

The life saver squealed as she fell on her back with Haseena's back on her top. She made it seem like she was hurt. In a childish tone she murmured nonsensical words, distracting the one who was just going to end her life.

" Wow, the wind is wondrous! It's naughty too. It threw you on me. Things are so crazy, isn't it. "

Haseena got back up on her feet slowly, her eyes breaking into a sea of tears. Holding them back, her legs quivered, her lips shivered and her heart pained. The impact of her action hit the bottom of her pit. She was going to take her life. She had given up. She failed her father. Her late father. She broke her promise. She couldn't be strong. She couldn't!

" What do you think. Is it going to rain today? It does look a little cloudy. Wouldn't it be great to discuss about seasons downstairs. It's better there. By the way nice to meet you. My name is Karishma... Karishma Singh. What's your name? "

According to Karishma, the chatter was cleverly bringing Haseena away from the serious feelings of giving up on her life and shifting the premise to a completely dumb and mundane conversation. It was the trick she came with on the spot. She was proud of herself until she saw that Haseena was not even looking at her.

She stopped talking. Nervously she waited, anticipating what next could Haseena decide to do. When she saw her walking back to the stairs, she breathed a sigh of relief. Following her downstairs and in the elevator she kept her hand on Haseena's shoulder saying, " I hope you have changed your mind. "

Haseena finally looked through her teary vision at the bright face of her saviour. She had never seen such a positive face. A mere look was making her uncomfortable. How could one find hapiness in this dark world. She looked for a few more seconds and then turned her head without responding.

Still smiling, Karishma left her shoulder and went outside the elevator first when they reached the ground floor. Amongst the bustle of the society people, she exited with her advisory words to Haseena.

" You will too find the beauty one day. Please be fine. "

Watching her go towards the play area and getting surrounded with a lot of children, Haseena thought of her as an annoying butterfly.

" Nonsense. " She sighed in a small voice, leaving the elevator after a few seconds, her conscious being completely ungreatful for the help she just got.

Following the usual cemented path, she reached limp headed to her flat door No. 1. She had been the very first resident of this building, which now grew to incorporate about 360 more families. Maybe Karishma was one of the recent residents. Maybe not.

" Who cares. "

Haseena whispered, ringing the door bell, going blank minded, as if being turned into a robot, again!

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