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"Hey babes. Are you almost here?" Kate asked

"Yeah, five minutes out" I replied

"Okay. You can tell me about your night then" She said

"Oh man. It was a long one. And not in the good way" I said

We both hung up and we pulled up to the rodeo. Colin was behind me so he parked next to me. I was next to Kate who got here way before us. We decided, since there's three of us, to huddle in front of my truck. I have a big chair and I brought a blanket. It's gonna get cold tonight.

"Well. I'm hungry" Kate said

"Shocker" I laughed

"I mean. I ate before leaving" Colin said

"So did I" Kate laughed

I shook my head and sat in my big chair with the blanket over me.

"Alright missy. What happened last night. You haven't told me" Kate said

"You didn't really tell us either" Colin said

"Yeah. It wasn't really the best night. And tonight's gonna be interesting" I said

"Why?" Kate asked

I told them about Gavin, then what happened at the barn with John. And now they are both pissed off. Colin rides with Gavin too so that's going to be fun. John, Ryan, Bobby and one other guy are set up directly across from us. Kate is shooting them daggers. I mean, John was a dick but he was being kinda nice. I don't know. My head was clouded with emotions.

"So. Can I go over and kick his ass" Kate said

"No, I just started riding with you idiots. I don't want to get kicked out" Colin said

"Be nice Kate. We board at the same place. I can kick his ass whenever" I said

"No no Ella. You'll lose your job" Colin said "Jeez, is this how your boyfriend feels when he's here"


We all jumped and Tommy was standing behind us. So then he got caught up on the story.

"I have a question. Do they all know we are related?" Colin asked

"I don't know why" I said

"I'll go over and ask about you." Colin said

I just shrugged and cuddled up in my blanket in my big chair. Then John and Ryan walked over. Lovely.

"Hey. You ready to ride with our bulls again" Ryan laughed

"Eh, they aren't that bad" Colin replied

Ryan and Colin started talking and Tommy went to help Kate grab stuff out of her trailer cause she hit a bump and stuff fell. So John came and sat next to me.

"Hey" He said

"Hey" I replied

"So, uhm. How are you feeling?" He asked

"Like a person" I said back

"C'mon Ella. You know what I mean." John groaned

"Still pissed off and ready to fight someone" I replied glaring at him

"Oh.. okay" He said. I just looked at him then he got up and looked back at me. "Still dumb to go riding at night"

I took a deep breath and shook my head so I don't get up and deck this kid. I'm really not a violent person. Actually, I am, but I can keep it under wraps. I'm also emotional as hell but not in front of people. Kate knows, I get really mad when I get upset.

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