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Well it's been almost 6 months since the competition. I got first place! Kate didn't place this year and the girls who got second and third are from.. I don't remember. But I may or may not have kissed John... in front of a whole lot of people. He wasn't mad, he even spun me around. Now you're probably thinking the next thing i'm going to say is we are dating. We're not. He actually has a girlfriend. After we came back from Texas his friends were being weird and I decided to just step back.. again. This time I told him I was, we sat down and talked about it. I felt bad about making his friends jealous and act all pissy so we stopped talking. I just see him at the barn. And now that it's rodeo season.. I see them there. Kind of, I'm not competing this season. I'm pissed about it too. I haven't ridden in a little over 2 months. Today is my first day back at the barn. I was in a car accident a little over two months ago and got hurt pretty bad. Concussion, broken leg, broken collar bone, broken ribs. Needed surgery on my leg because the bone was sticking out. Yeah it was bad. I wasn't even driving. I was in the car with my aunt and we were going to the tack shop to get a preset for Colin for his birthday. We got t-boned on my side and she walked away with a concussion. I was in the hospital for three weeks. Fun times. I didn't wake up for the first day and a half. She felt terrible.

"Hi bubba" I said rubbing Gypsy's nose

I came down with Colin since i've been trapped in the house. He's training with Bobby, Ryan, and John today so I was going to watch. I haven't been to the rodeo and haven't ridden. Currently losing my shit.

"I wonder if we can try and ride today" I said

I can still barely walk right and can't even drive yet. But you don't need legs to ride. Maybe. Getting Gyp from the field I walked him into the barn where the four boys were.

"Whatcha doing there broken" Colin said

"I'm just going to groom him. Maybe try and go for a walk" I said

"You can't ride though" My cousin replied

"I mean walk him like a dog" I said

"Oh. Okay. Be careful though" He said

I nodded and brushed out my horse. Bobby, Ryan, and Colin all rode up to the arena while John had a phone call. I think it's from his girlfriend. Sounds like it. I don't even know what she looks like. And might never find out. I finished brushing Gypsy out and now it's time for feet. I already feel like shit. My whole body just hurts constantly. I got this though, I have a pretty high pain tolerance. Getting the foot pick, I started on the first hoof and already regret this.

"Fucking hell, this is going to be a long shitty recovery" I said to my horse "I'm dying"

I mumbled to myself and once I finished his hooves, I sat on the ground against the wall and groaned. Some tears slipped, but that's cause i'm dying and I'm still gonna go walk around. Power through it. The amount of crying i've done the past few months is outrageous. My mental health has been shitty too. No one knows. I didn't tell anybody. I keep it to myself and only lash out when no ones home. So, during the day because everybody works and I'm stuck there.

"Babe, standing up is going to suck." I said looking at my horse

He huffed and I tried using the milk crate next to me. I got on my knees and sighed. Then I heard hooves walking. John walked by and his horse threw his head and stopped.

"C'mon Stryker" John said

His horse huffed and looked at me. Oh you cheeky bastard.

"Do you need help?" John said looking at me.

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