Chapter 4: Henry

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As I walk downstairs I hear Robbie dropping things on the floor, banging his phone against the TV remote, and even coughing very loudly. After ten minutes I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Robbie is trying to get your attention. Are you ignoring him on purpose?" I say to Nathan.

"Great question, Henry, thank you" Robbie shouts as JJ laughs.

"Are you ignoring me on purpose, Nathan?" Robbie asks.

"Oh sorry, did you want something Robbie?" Nathan says in a passive aggressive voice.

"Have you organized my birthday party yet?" Robbie asks

"You mean your surprise birthday party? The one you specifically said you didn't want to know anything about? So it was an actual surprise?" Nathan says with sass.

"If the surprise is you haven't sorted anything, I don't fucking want it" Robbie says

Robbie looks around the room and then makes eye contact with me. I quickly ran away. I can't keep secrets at all, it's been so hard to not spoil the surprise but it's for Robbie so I'm trying my best.

"So... did you invite Sabrina?" Robbie says

"Who?" Nathan says

"Don't be a dick Nathaniel, you know who she is" Robbie says

Upstairs I get a text from Nathan.

Nathan: SOS, we need to get Sabrina here Saturday! Can you help?

Me: I'll figure something out

I have no clue what I'm going to do but Nathan and Robbie are counting on me, so I need to pull through.


JJ slams on my window of Nathan's car yelling, "Don't leave without me, you douchebag!"

As he does this I jump out of my seat and drop my Sketchpad. I bend down to grab it as Nathan yells "Hurry up!" to JJ.

"Why are we yelling?" I saw grabbing my ear.

"We need to leave, it's not my fault JJ slept in with a cheerleader last night. We only have the ice for a limited time" Nathan says

"More like you only have a limited time to see Stassie" Robbie says

"And her angry Partner Aaron" I joke

"I wouldn't be talking Hen, I've seen you with Stassie's friend" JJ says entering the car.

"Finally. So what's her name? Do you like her? Is she coming to my party?" Robbie questions without taking a breath.

Nathan looks at me, waiting for me to respond. I hesitate and then say, "Her name is Bellamy and no she's not going"

"Why not?" Robbie says with a frown

"Because Henrys too scared to talk to her" JJ says

I turn around and give JJ an evil glare, "I'm not scared. I could ask her anytime, anywhere"

"Then do it..." Nathan challenges


"And why is that?" JJ questions

"Because I'm scared" I saw shrinking into my seat

"I called it! I called it" JJ says practically jumping before Robbie hits him to calm him down.


As we walk into Ice Arena One I see Anastasia and Aaron finishing up their practice on the ice. As I walk past the boards Stassie waves at me but Nathan pushes in between the boards and me waving first. She quickly turns away and her face turns into a scowl.

"How come she is nice to you but hates my guts?" Nathan says to me, keeping his eyes on Anastasia.

"Yeah she looks like she wants to set him on fire" JJ jokes

"Because like an actual human, I talked to her. Explained what happened" I said

"Wow, so you can talk to people" Robbie says sarcastically.

Nathan ignores Robbies comment and says, "But I did that too.."

"Not really" JJ says

"Yeah, I found her in the library and bought her a coffee. I then explained everything about the Russ situation. You tried to seduce her and lied to her about the Russ situation. It's completely different." I said

"I did not 'seduce' her" Nathan says

"But you tried to..." I say entering the locker room.


As I exit with my hockey gear on I hear Nathan finishing inviting Anastasia to Robbie's party, "It's Vegas themed, so black tie. Free bar, poker tables, all the fun stuff. I hope you guys come; it will make Robbie very happy"

"Who did he invite?" I whisper to JJ

"Sabrina and Anastasia" He whispers back

"Okay" She says walking away from Nathan and towards me.

She pats my arm and says a quick "Hi" before leaving.

"Wait Stassie!" I call after her.

She stops and turns around as I catch up to her, "I know that Nathan invited you and Sabrina to the party on Saturday but I was wondering if you could maybe..." I say with a blush filling up my face.

"Maybe what Henry?" Stassie says

"Ask Bellamy if she would want to go as well?" I blurt out quickly

"Bellamy?" Anstasia says, trying to read my face.

I silently nod as my face gets redder and redder.

"Of course Hen, anything for you" Stassie says before she exits the Ice Arena.

Nathan walks over after she leaves and says, "What was that about? You're red as a tomato!"

"You're losing your touch, Hawkins. The kid has more game than you" JJ says

"I'm not trying to date her. I'm just being nice so she'll like us all again. Either way she has a boyfriend" I say

"He's her skating partner, not her boyfriend. She doesn't have a boyfriend, she told me so herself" Nathan says

I shake my head and say, "Not him, Ryan Rothwell. I saw him walking with her and Bellamy last week. Stassie and Ryan hugged"

"Hugging someone is hardly the sign for a relationship, Hen. If it was Kris and Mattie would be in a relationship with half the campus." Robbie says trying to make me look like an idiot.

"They were making out and he was grabbing her ass" I say as Robbie's jaw drops

Aaron walks over with his duffle bag and says, "She's not going to fuck you. You're wasting your time" as he walks by.

"Excuse me?" Nathan says

Nathan please don't punch him. We have a season to think about, I think as I step between them.

"You heard me" Aaron says

'Oh shit, this isn't going to be good' I think as I feel a tug from Robbie pulling me away from them and onto the ice. There is nothing I can do to help him now.


Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed it and please don't forget to vote! Love ya, Sterling <3

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