Chapter 6: Henry

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Robbie is the worst person to throw a party for. First Joe and Mattie were supposed to keep him distracted all day so we could decorate but the plan went to shit when Robbie decided he needed to stay home and wait for a package to be delivered. It got even worse, he wouldn't let us wait for it, he had to wait for it himself. Of course Robbie knew what he was doing, I bet there wasn't even a package he just wanted to stress us out.

Finally Robbie leaves because he got a text from Sabrina. So we quickly got the house ready and sent Mattie and Joe on Robbie patrol. I walk over to the bar and I see Bobby and Kris already buzzed naming cocktails for the 'manned' bar. A few names were after Robbie's favorite things like the 'Jersey Chaser' and the 'Judge Judy'. I think he's going to love it.

"We look hot" JJ says looking at each of us in our tuxedos before he comes over to fix my bowtie.

"Do you think Sabrina, Anastasia, and Bellamy will come?" I say fixing the bowtie JJ messed up.

"I hope so, buddy. Robbie wants Sabrina here and I don't want to let him down on his birthday" Nathan says

"Nothing to do with you wanting to kiss and make up with Stas, then?" Bobby laughs

"Hey I'm not the only one waiting for a girl. Am I Henry?" Nathan says

"Oooh Bells... She's adorable, almost had her to myself before this big oaf made me back off" JJ says hitting Nathan in the back of the head.

"He made you back off? And since when was it Bells?" I question

"The icebreaker worked, we're friends now. I like her" JJ says before Nathan looks at him and JJ adds, "Platonically of course"

"Nathan, please say you didn't..." I say praying Nathan isn't as much of an idiot as I think he is.

"Do what? I'm lost" Bobby says

"Did you make everyone on the hockey team back off of Bellamy because you knew I liked her?" I say looking into Nathan's eyes.

"Henry you're like a son to me, If I could do anything to help or protect you, you know I'd do it" Nathan says

"I know, but this is a little too far, I want her to like me for me. Not just because I'm the only option" I say

"Fine, if you don't want my help I can release the bloodhounds on her" Nathan says pointing to Bobby and JJ at the bar.

"No, not them. Just no one else, Nathan. I got this" I say fixing my suit before joining JJ and Bobby at the bar.

"Do you think he's 'got this'" Russ says

"Oh no way, this is going to end horribly" Nathan says


As I finish my rounds of the party I make my way back over to the bar when I see her. I can't help but melt, I can't even control my face. It just goes into the worst smile in the world, but as she sees me I see the best smile in the world.

"Henry!" Stassie says giving me a hug with a red solo cup in her hand.

"You look nice today Stas, not at all like a baby giraffe" I say to Stassie as JJ and Bellamy choke on their drinks.

As Nathan arrives Bellamy tries to take away the awkwardness by telling me a weird fact about baby giraffes.

"Do you feel better now you can't spoil the surprise?" Stassie said to me ignoring Nathan who is trying to get her attention.

"I feel much better now, thank you. I can't keep a secret to save my life"

"You're like the opposite of Bells. She is like a human vault, we all trust her with our deepest darkest secrets" Stassie says trying to help me talk to Bellamy.

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