Chapter 1: Bellamy

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I'm running late as usual. Today's Friday, the only day that I don't have to drag my bruised butt into the rink just to end up with more bruises. Of course, Miss Audrey Brady is disappointed in me, her "star pupil" as she says, but I already missed the first session and I'm barely going to make it to animal science on time.

Right as I reach my class with a minute to spare I get a text from Anastasia.

Anastasia: Did you check your email? Coach wants the whole team to come down to the award room now!

Me: What's going on?

Anastasia: No clue, but get here quickly!

I look to my seat and back to the door.

"Miss. Pierce, are you going to be joining us?" My teacher says

"No I'm sorry Professor T, I'll make it up later" I say before running out of the classroom and heading down to the awards room.


As I arrive at the building that holds the awards room, I see almost every single athlete outside waiting in lines to be let in.

"Bellamy! Over here" Anastasia says waving me over.

As I cut in line and join her I'm greeted by an extremely tall basketball captain aka Stassie's 'kind of' boyfriend, Ryan. I think they would be perfect together but Anastasia isn't big on labels.

I've been friends with Anastasia or as I call her 'Stassie' since she basically 'adopted' me last year. I was just like her, coming in with no skating partner but a dream for the olympics. The only difference is that she got a partner named Aaron, annoying as he is. A partner is better than nothing. So I've had to learn how to do singles skating. I've learned pretty quickly and even got second at regionals last year but this year, I need the gold.

Finally the line starts moving and we all enter the awards room and join the hockey team who was already sitting. 'Oh, what did they do now?' I think to myself, but as I look over to Stassie, I know she's thinking the exact same thing.

"Chip?" Ryan offers Stassie.

She shakes her head refusing like always. He turns to me and I gladly take one. As I take a bite I make eye contact with Coach Brady and the chip falls out of my mouth in fear. Ryan laughs at me. I bend down to clean up my mess as Ryan offers Stassie more food.

"No thank you. I'm not hungry" She says as a look of disappointment falls on his face.

"Don't make that face, Regionals are around the corner. I can't gain weight" Stassie said.

"If that jackass Aaron can't handle your weight fluctuating then he shouldn't be your partner and either way Bells had some" He says

"But no one has to lift her, she can gain all the weight she wants" Stassie says, and then looks over to me realizing what she said.

"I didn't mean it like that Bells, you're not gaining weight. You're perfect the way you are" Stassie says as my eyes fill with panic.

"If you can say that about her, why can't you say that about yourself?" Ryan says comforting Stassie.

"My parents are going to kill me, Coach is going to kill me..." I say in a whisper panicking.

"Not now Ryan" Stassie whispers, gesturing to me.

"No one's going to kill you, Bells," Ryan said, putting a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"Liar, I already got the 'your dead meat eyes' from Brady" I say

"I'm very familiar with those eyes," Stassie says.

Before Ryan could continue, Director Skinner walked on stage and stood behind the podium, "Good afternoon everyone. Thank you for taking the time to come here on such short notice. I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here"

"Bet you five bucks it was the hockey team" I whisper to Ryan, still upset with him but that won't stop me from taking his money.

"You're on" He whispers back as Stassie rolls her eyes.

"There is a certain expectation when dealing with college students. It's a given there will be some level of chaos as you begin your lives as adults away from home. When you add a competitive sport into the mix, the balance changes as you try to manage your skill against the authentic college experience" Skinner says in a voice made for elementary students not college students.

"Is he done yet? I have class" A volleyball player whispers nearby.

"Some of you have been enjoying the college experience a little too much," Skinner says.

"Rude," Someone whispered.

"In the five years I've been Director of Sport, I have dealt with countless avoidable situations. Out of control parties, medical expenses due to students behaving recklessly on campus, more pranks than I can count, unplanned pregnancy, and..."

Michael Fletcher, a linebacker on the football team quickly stood to his feet, "Mr. Fletcher, have a seat" Skinner says.

Instead Michael grabs his bag and walks to the exit slamming both swinging doors open and leaves.

I only know a few things about Michael, like that he's the best linebacker in the school and that he's in a really good position for the NFL draft. At least that's what Josh from my Biology class says. Lastly he is also the father of a little girl named Diya with his girlfriend Prishi, who got pregnant last year. She was on the figure skating team with me but she was a Junior, so I didn't know her very well. Stassie and her are friends, I heard at the beginning of this year that she isn't coming back to the team.

"I can't believe he is using Prishi and Michael as an example in his delinquent student bashing. He's an asshole" Stassie said


After sitting through his awful lecture and getting most of my homework done, I turn and see Stassie resting her head on Ryan's shoulder.

"... To summarize" Skinner said

"Finally" Stassie said a little too loud as everyone in the row in front of us turned.

"Going forward, there will be a zero-tolerance approach to misappropriation of your status on this campus" Skinner said

"Do you understand a word he just said?" Stassie said because she clearly fell asleep during the lecture.

"No clue. Ryan?" I ask hoping at least one of us payed attention

"What? Where am I?" Ryan says, waking up.

"Useless" I roll my eyes.

"For the seniors hoping to join professional teams at the end of this school year, it would be prevalent for you to take note of this message" Skinner says

"Oh shit, you two should have paid attention" I say trying to hold back laughter as Stassie wacks my arm.

Skinner, finally tired of his own message, leans on the podium and says, "I don't care what your potential is. If you don't fall in line, you will be benched. I'd like the skating and hockey team to stay behind, but the rest of you are dismissed."

"Pay up Ryan. It's the hockey team" I say, extending my hand.

"Hey we don't know yet, it could be your team. It's hockey and skating. Patience young Pierce" Ryan says

Everyone not on the Hockey and Ice skating team stands up including Ryan, "I'll wait for you outside. Bellamy, are you coming with us?"

"No, I don't want to be a third wheel again. You two enjoy yourselves." I say as he exits.


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