Chapter 8: Henry

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Bellamy's mom is the scariest woman I have ever met. Scarier than Bellamy and that's a hard thing to do. Her mom told me, "To make myself extinct" I don't even know what that means, but it was scary.

Of course things were finally going well between us, she kissed me, like she actually kissed me. It wasn't a dream. Now this new guy, 'Anders' is here, her new skating partner. What is her mom thinking? She doesn't even want to do pair skating.

"Henry! I am in panic mode, pay attention!" Stassie yells

"Sorry, I'm paying attention. What's wrong?" I say

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Stassie says, filling with anger.

Oops, wrong thing to say, I probably should have been paying attention.

"What's wrong is your girlfriend and her skating partner are totally screwing me and Aaron over!" Stassie yells as she paces.

"My girlfriend?"

Are we dating? We haven't really talked about it.

"Sorry, your unlabeled friend and her skating partner are totally screwing me and Aaron over! Is that better? We are supposed to be focused on me right now, not your relationship with Bellamy" Stassie yells.

"Yes, sorry. How are they screwing you over?"

"Two words. Anderson Gates" Stassie says

"Anderson Gates?" Aaron overhears and walks over towards our table, "What about Anderson Gates?"

"He's Bellamy's new partner!" Stassie says

"She's totally screwing us over!" Aaron says

"I don't understand, how? She doesn't even want to be his partner" I say.

"That's even worse, skaters would give their left foot to be his partner" Aaron says

"He's skating royalty," Stassie adds.

"So what's the plan? Tonya Harding them?" Aaron says, but after some time I don't think he's joking.

"Aaron! You're not hurting Bellamy!" I say in shock that he would even say something like that.

"Nothing permanent, just enough to keep her out of regionals" Aaron says in a hushed voice.

"What the actual fuck, Aaron" I say

"I'm sorry, I heard she's your girlfriend" He says and then looks at Stassie and she shakes her head, "Not your girlfriend? That's not good, she's going to be hanging out with Anderson Gates, he makes skaters swoon. He's going to steal Bellamy like that" snaps his fingers.

"I'm done with this conversation, you guys are going to have to find someone else to help you" I say and leave in a fit of anger.


I walk into the apartment and slam the front door behind me. All my roommates look at each other in confusion.

"What's up with him?" Robbie whispers

"Hey Henry" JJ says in a strange voice slowly approaching me on the couch.

"Hey Jay" I say in a grumpy voice as I put a blanket over my legs.

"Ok I can't handle this much longer, what's wrong?" Nathan says closing the fridge.

"Aaron's a dick"

"Tell me something I don't know" Nathan says

"What did he do?" Robbie says

"Well you guys saw Bellamy got a new partner. Well Aaron and Stassie are feeling a bit threatened. But Aaron took it too far..."

"What did he say, Hen?" JJ says sitting beside me.

"He said he was going to 'Tonya Harding' her" I say

"What does that mean?" Nathan whispers to Robbie, and Robbie then makes a swinging motion.

"That dick. What do you want us to do?" Nathan says

"We can't hurt him. We will be benched for the game this weekend" JJ says

"What if he didn't know it was us?" I say as I stand up.

"What are you thinking Hen?" Robbie says

I walk into the bathroom and pull out some laxatives, "Aaron likes protein shakes right?" I say lifting the box.

"Oh that's evil, Hen. I love it!" JJ says


My plan was idiotic at best but he messed with Bellamy. So he had to pay. Hopefully he won't know it was me and that Stassie won't get mad at me.

"Don't put too much. I don't want a shit stain on my ice" Nathan whispers as they enter Ice Arena two.

"There is already a shit stain on the ice" JJ says pointing at Aaron, Robbie laughs.

"Focus boys, we have one attempt. If we get caught no game for us" Nathan says trying to get JJ back into focus.

The boys walk into the locker room and Nathan motions his head and I separate from the group. I slowly walk over to the benches where I see the scariest woman in the world, again. Why is she here? Bellamy's skate time isn't for another few hours, not that I memorized her schedule.

"You again?" Ms. Pierce rolls her eyes.

"Kind of have to be here Ma'am, I have practice" I say trying to keep a polite tone, it is Bellamy's mother after all.

"Fine" she says as she sees Director Skinner walk by, "If you would excuse me" she says leaving her bag and cup of tea.

As she approaches the clearly running away Director Skinner, I open her cup of tea. Nathan peers his head out of the locker room and looks at me, "That is not the plan!" he mouths.

"It is now" I whisper back, pouring half of the packet of laxatives in.

"Idiot" Nathan says hitting his face

"Oh my God, Ms. Pierce is going to kill him," JJ says with a laugh.

I slowly approach the bench and unscrew Aarons blue protein shaker water bottle. I take the rest of the laxatives and pour them in. I then screw on the top and give it a nice shake. I start slowly backing up until Stassie sees me. Oh no, I'm screwed.

"Henry!" She says skating over, "I'm sorry about earlier, I was just so freaked out. I apologize for the way I reacted"

Aaron skates over and Stassie takes a sip of her drink, "Turner. What do you need?" he says before taking a sip of his protein shake.

"Oh nothing" I say, starting to back up.

"You look like you need something. Say the word and it's yours" Stassie says with a smile and Aaron continues to drink his shake.

"Well..." I try to think of something but my mind draws a blank.

Nathan runs over to my rescue and wraps an arm around me, "What my friend Henry was trying to ask was if you wanted to go to our Hockey game. It's the first home game of the season"

"Yes that." I say quickly.

"Is Bellamy going?" Stassie says as I start to blush.

"I'm going to try to ask her later. Wish me luck?" I say

"Good luck Henry" Stassie says with a smile.

"You'll need it" Aaron says before he finishes the last sip of his protein shake.

Nathan quickly turns me away as I whisper, "Aaron you really are a shit stain"


Author's Note: Sorry that I haven't written in a while, I have been so busy with school and getting sick. Hopefully over the Christmas break I can write more for you all. Hope you liked this chapter, if you did don't forget to vote. Love ya, Sterling <3

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