Chpt-1: Crossing the Thin Line

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In the quiet stillness of the night, Taehyung lay in his bed, the moonlight softly casting a gentle glow upon his face.

His mind was filled with a swirling mix of emotions as he thought about Jisoo, his beloved childhood friend. He had always cherished their bond, but lately, his feelings had taken a new and unfamiliar turn.

As he lay there, his heart beating a little faster, Taehyung found himself lost in a sea of memories, replaying moments they had shared together.

From their laughter echoing through the playground as children to the late-night conversations that filled their teenage years, Jisoo had become an integral part of his life—a beacon of light that brightened even the darkest of days.

Taehyung couldn't help but smile as he recalled their countless adventures, their dreams woven together like an intricate tapestry.

He had always been drawn to Jisoo's radiance, her kindness and compassion shining through in every gesture and word. In her presence, his world was transformed into a vibrant kaleidoscope of colors, and he couldn't fathom a life without her by his side.

But tonight, the weight of his unspoken love bore heavily upon him. Taehyung's heart swelled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness at the thought of confessing his true feelings to Jisoo. Would she reciprocate his love? Or would their friendship be forever altered?

As Taehyung's heart brimmed with affection for Jisoo, he couldn't help but become fiercely protective of her. The sight of other guys attempting to make a move on her stirred a wave of jealousy within him.

He would discreetly intercept any proposals or advances that came Jisoo's way, ensuring that they never reached her ears.

With an unwavering determination, Taehyung became a guardian of Jisoo's heart, shielding her from unwanted attention.

He would confront those who dared to pursue her, his protective instincts guiding his actions. Some encounters would escalate, leading to physical altercations where Taehyung would stand up for Jisoo's honor.

His reputation spread through the college like wildfire, and soon, boys began to fear crossing paths with him, aware of the consequences that awaited them.

The whispers among their classmates grew louder, and the college rumor mill worked overtime. Taehyung and Jisoo became the subject of speculation, their close bond and Taehyung's unwavering protection fueling the belief that they were more than just friends. Many saw them as a couple, their actions and undeniable connection painting a picture of love.

It didn't escape Taehyung's notice that their fellow students perceived them as a romantic duo. Sometimes, he would catch glimpses of curious gazes and amused smiles directed their way.

Yet, he couldn't help but wonder if their relationship truly transcended the boundaries of friendship. Perhaps their hearts had unknowingly crossed the line, guided by the deep affection they shared.

Unable to contain his restlessness, Taehyung sat up in bed, his thoughts and emotions overflowing like a bubbling brook.

He whispered to himself, his voice filled with both determination and uncertainty, "I have to tell her. I can't keep these feelings locked away any longer. Jisoo deserves to know that she means the world to me."

His mind became a battleground of self-doubt and anticipation. He wondered if his confession would jeopardize the beautiful bond they shared. Would she reject him, fearing the loss of their cherished friendship? Taehyung couldn't bear the thought of losing her, but he also couldn't ignore the ache in his heart that longed for something more.

As the hours ticked by, Taehyung found solace in imagining their future together. He envisioned their laughter intertwining like melodies, their hands clasped in a promise of everlasting love.

The prospect of a deeper connection thrilled him, yet he couldn't help but question whether his dreams would align with Jisoo's desires.

Lost in his thoughts, Taehyung was interrupted by the sound of a gentle knock on his bedroom door. Startled, he turned his gaze towards the entrance, where Jimin, his trusted friend, stood with a knowing smile.

Jimin had been privy to Taehyung's inner turmoil, a confidant who had listened patiently as Taehyung poured out his heart.

"Hey, Taehyung," Jimin said, his voice warm with understanding. "I can see that you're wrestling with something important. Remember, no matter what happens, your friendship with Jisoo is precious. But sometimes, taking a chance on love can lead to the most beautiful journeys."

Taehyung nodded, grateful for Jimin's wisdom and support. He realized that he couldn't let fear hold him back from his own happiness. With newfound determination, he resolved to speak his heart's truth to Jisoo, come what may.

And so, as the first rays of sunlight painted the sky in delicate hues, Taehyung made a silent vow to himself. Today would be the day he laid bare his soul and risked it all for love.

Little did he know that destiny had its own plans in store, with twists and turns that would test their.


(A/n- A plot suddenly came into my mind and I thought of writing it as a oneshot or two shot but I didn't realize I wrote the wholeass story😂 I still can't believe I wrote all the chapters in just two hours😅 Guess what I was so into the story. So the chapters will not be big and this will going to be a short story)

Stay healthy and safe.

Keep smiling.

Take care.

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