Chpt-7: Seeking Solace

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Late into the night, as the world around them fell into slumber, Jisoo and Taehyung found solace in their late-night call. The familiar warmth of their voices enveloped them, offering a semblance of comfort in the midst of their unspoken emotions.

Their conversation meandered effortlessly, just as it always had before. Tales of their day, shared laughter, and even playful teasing filled the airwaves, masking the underlying tension that lingered between them.

But then, amidst their casual exchange, Jisoo's voice wavered as she uttered words that held the power to shift the course of their fragile connection. "Taehyung, I... Eunwoo asked me out on a date. I don't know what to do."

The line crackled with anticipation as Taehyung absorbed Jisoo's unexpected revelation. The air grew heavy, pregnant with unspoken expectations and unaddressed emotions. Jisoo's heart skipped a beat as she awaited his response, hoping for a flicker of jealousy or a hint of possessiveness.

However, Taehyung's voice remained eerily calm, devoid of the reaction she yearned for. "Jisoo, it's your decision. I don't really care if you go on a date with someone else."

A profound sadness washed over Jisoo, a tinge of disappointment she struggled to comprehend. The silence that followed hung between them like an invisible barrier, an unspoken reminder of the complexities that had entangled their hearts.

"Why am I feeling this way?" Jisoo wondered, her voice carrying a trace of melancholy. "Why did I expect him to react differently? After all, it was I who pushed him away, who couldn't return his feelings."

The night wore on, the weight of Taehyung's response casting a shadow over their conversation. Jisoo tried to suppress the unease that gnawed at her heart, longing for the reassurance she couldn't find. They continued talking, the lulls in their conversation becoming more pronounced, each moment etched with an unspoken longing.

As the call eventually drew to a close, Jisoo couldn't shake off the heaviness that settled within her. The words lingered, echoing in her mind, as she pondered the significance of Taehyung's reaction. It was a pang of sadness that tugged at her, an unfulfilled hope that perhaps he still harbored feelings for her.

Yet, deep down, Jisoo knew that she couldn't expect Taehyung to wait forever or to feel the same intensity of emotion she once craved. She was the one who had hesitated, who had doubted their potential as more than friends.

With a heavy heart, she whispered her goodbyes, the melancholy still lingering in her voice. The night swallowed her, leaving her to grapple with the complexities of her emotions, yearning for a path that would reconcile their past, present, and uncertain future.


Stay healthy and safe.

Keep smiling.

Take care.

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