Chpt-5: Shattered Dreams

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The next day arrived with a heavy cloud hanging over Taehyung's heart. He awaited the moment when he would finally hear Jisoo's response to his confession, his hopes soaring high yet accompanied by a flicker of trepidation. As they stood together, his gaze met Jisoo's, searching for a glimpse of the answer he longed to hear.

With tears shimmering in her eyes, Jisoo took a deep breath and mustered the strength to speak the words that would break Taehyung's heart. "Taehyung, I... I can't reciprocate your feelings. I value our friendship so deeply, and I'm afraid of losing what we have if we cross that line."

The weight of her words crashed upon Taehyung like an avalanche, crushing his dreams and hope in an instant. He felt his heart splintering into countless shards, the pain radiating through his entire being. His voice quivered as he whispered, "Why, Jisoo? Why can't you love me the way I love you?"

Silent tears streamed down Jisoo's face as she struggled to find the words to explain her doubts and fears. She longed to hold Taehyung's broken heart in her hands and mend it, but she knew that her own uncertainties stood as insurmountable obstacles.

Her voice trembled as she whispered, "I'm scared, Taehyung. Scared of what might happen if we take that leap. I fear that we might not work out as a couple, that our love might bring pain and ruin what we cherish most—the purity of our friendship. And I can't bear the thought of hurting you or being hurt in return."

Anguish coursed through Taehyung's veins as he listened to Jisoo's words, his mind flooded with a potent mix of heartbreak and anger. A memory flashed before his eyes—the stolen glances between Jisoo and that new student, Eunwoo. His voice shook with a raw intensity as he uttered, "Is it because of him? Because of Eunwoo?"

Confusion clouded Jisoo's tear-stained face as she replied, "No, Taehyung, he has nothing to do with us. I swear."

But Taehyung's jealousy burned within him, the mere thought of someone else capturing Jisoo's attention igniting a fierce fire within. "Then why? Why can't you love me the way I love you? Why can't we take this chance?"

And then, amidst their tearful exchange, Jisoo found the strength to reveal the doubts that had plagued her heart. She expressed her fear of their love turning into heartache, her worry that they might lose the beautiful bond they had nurtured for so long.

As the weight of their conversation bore down upon them, Taehyung's sorrow turned into a fierce determination. "Jisoo, I can't bear to lose you. Our friendship means everything to me. We can find a way to make this work, to preserve what we have while exploring the depths of our love. Please, let's not let our friendship end because of my confession."

Jisoo's tears mingled with her desperate plea, her voice choked with emotion. "Taehyung, I don't want to lose you either. I can't imagine my life without you by my side."

The words hung in the air, a fragile tether that held their hearts together. Taehyung, overwhelmed by conflicting emotions, found it too difficult to bear the weight of hearing Jisoo say she loved him but not in the way he yearned for. He silently turned away, walking away from the rooftop.


Stay healthy and safe.

Keep smiling.

Take care.

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