Chpt-3: The Confession

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At the rooftop, bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun, Taehyung gathered every ounce of courage within him.

This was the moment he had been yearning for—the moment to pour his heart out to Jisoo, to lay bare his deepest emotions.

Taking a deep breath, he turned to face her, his eyes sparkling with a mix of affection and vulnerability. His voice, steady yet filled with an underlying tremor, resonated with unwavering sincerity as he began to speak.

"Jisoo," he started, his words carrying the weight of a thousand unsaid feelings. "Since the day we met, my life has been transformed into something magical, something beyond my wildest dreams. You have been the light that illuminated the darkest corners of my soul, and I cannot imagine a world without you."

Jisoo's eyes widened in surprise, her lips parting slightly as she listened intently, her heart beating in sync with the words that spilled forth from Taehyung's trembling lips.

"You see, Jisoo, what we have is extraordinary. Our bond has grown beyond the realms of friendship, intertwining our hearts in a way that defies conventional boundaries," Taehyung continued, his voice filled with a mixture of vulnerability and determination. "And now, standing here before you, I want to share something that has been burning within me for so long—something I can no longer keep hidden."

He took a step closer to Jisoo, his eyes locked onto hers, his voice filled with an undeniable longing. "Jisoo, I love you. I love you with a depth that words cannot fully express. You are the missing piece that completes me, the melody that dances within my soul. You bring color to my world, and I can't imagine a future without you by my side."

The silence hung in the air, pregnant with anticipation, as Taehyung held his breath, waiting for Jisoo's response.

He could see the shock written across her face, the emotions swirling in her eyes, and he hoped against hope that his confession would be met with understanding and reciprocation.

As the seconds ticked by, Jisoo found her voice, her surprise evident in her trembling words. "Taehyung, I... I never knew... I never realized..."

Taehyung's heart clenched, uncertainty coursing through his veins. He feared that he had misjudged their connection, that his love for Jisoo had been unrequited.

But he refused to let despair cloud his hope, and he gently placed a hand on Jisoo's arm, urging her to let her thoughts unfold.

"I understand if you need time, Jisoo. This confession may have taken you by surprise, and I respect whatever decision you make," Taehyung spoke softly, his voice carrying an undertone of unyielding support. "But I couldn't keep my feelings hidden any longer. I wanted you to know, to understand the depth of my love for you."

Jisoo looked into Taehyung's eyes, her expression a whirlwind of emotions. She struggled to find the right words, her heart battling between the comfort of their friendship and the unfamiliar territory of a romantic connection.

As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a warm glow upon them, the rooftop seemed to hold its breath, waiting for Jisoo's response—a response that would shape their future, a response that would determine the destiny of their intertwined hearts.


(A/n- is it interesting?)

Stay healthy and safe.

Keep smiling.

Take care.

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