Chapter 3

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(Nilans' POV):

While we were walking over to the Bey Park, I heard Kyoyas bey spirit roaring loudly and getting excited for another victory. I also heard Nightmaras speaking to me. I listened to what she had to say. "You know they are lying to you, right? Why are you being around them, when you could just find strong bladers all on your own?," asked Nightmaras. Due to being able to hear spirits with my mind, I am also able to speak to them through my mind as well. I guess that would be considered being able to use telepathy or something like that.

Anyway after hearing what Nightmaras had said I replied stating, "They might be lying to me, but I haven't really told them any of my secrets either. Besides, I don't know anything about this city and that boy Kyoyas bey has a spirit that likes to battle and win almost as much as you do, Nightmaras. So that means if we go with them and watch them battle we will find out if they are a good opponent for us to battle against and are able to give us a run for our money." After about a minutes of silence I heard Nightmaras say, "I see your point and I guess it does give us a chance to observe and challenge some other bladers as well." "That's the spirit," I replied. Then I heard Alicornias mention, "This also is a good chance to maybe make some friends don't you think, Nilan?" I didn't answer that question I knew Alicornias was right, but I had no intention of making new friends just to be betrayed by them a second time.

(Kyoyas' POV):

While we were walking to Bey Park, I noticed that Nilan had a serious expression on her face. I could tell by the look on her face that she was deep in thought just like before. But I figured she was the type of person who didn't like to be disturbed from her thoughts. So, I didn't try to talk to her the whole walk until we got to the park and met up the rest of the face hunters. 'Time to go point hunting' I thought to myself with a prideful smirk.

When we got there I saw the rest of the gang watching the other bladers trying to find the right target to go after next. Before we reached the gang, I told Nilan that we would be going to talk with our group. Then for some reason I asked her in a polite tone, "Would you like to join us?" I couldn't believe what I just said and in that tone of voice even. 'WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME,' great now I'm screaming at myself inside my own head. Luckily Nilan either didn't notice or noticed and chose to ignore it, all she did was answer my question saying, "No thank, I'll just be sitting on that bench over there. That is unless someone challenges me to a bey battle." Once she said that she walked over to a bench under a tree a couple of feet from where the gang was standing. A part of me was happy she didn't acknowledge the fact I sounded polite, but another part of me was somewhat upset that she didn't say anything about it. Ah and there I go again acting like a disappointed fan girl who just got ignored by her favorite idol even though he was standing right in front of her, get a hold of yourself, Kyoya.

Anyway, as the gang saw us approaching, they stood in attention as if to show respect to me and Benkei since he is my right-hand man and all. Once we got to them, I asked for an update and one of them said, "We found some acceptable bladers that have a good amount of points, but Benkei and the rest of us can take them down in less than a minute." I knew what he was getting at those bladers would be easy for them to defeat. However, it would be a waste of mine and my bey Leon's time to take care of them. So, I told them to corner those bladers, battle them, and take their points. They instantly agreed and left with Benkei.

I stayed behind and decided to go sit with Nilan. At least, that's what I would have done if a group of pint-sized blader brats hadn't walked up to her and asked her to battle them. When I looked at Nilan and saw that she was polishing her beyblade. I also realized that she had heard what those kids had said but was pretending that she didn't and was ignoring them. That made me chuckle to myself.

Then she finally decided to 'realize' the bladers were there and asked, "What do you want, you pint-sized blader brats?" I was surprised that she just said the exact same thing that I was thinking. But I shrugged it off as a coincidence, she was probably thinking the same thing anyway. Either way, I saw that the bladers didn't take the insult lightly and said and might I add half shouted, "You must spin a strong bey to talk to other bladers like that, newcomer?!" That's when Nilan put her bey cleaning supplies away in the sack she was carrying around and said, "As a matter of fact, I do and if you are all looking for a battle you got one." She had a lot of pride and confidence in her voice, but she didn't smile, smirk, or even grin with the comment all she had was an emotionless look on her face.

I looked at the group of bladers and there were ten in total and then I heard Nilan make points rewarded which would be if she beat them they would each give her 500 bey points. If they beat her, she would give them each the exact same amount of bey points she asked from them. I was shocked that she would put so many points at stake, but she must be a pretty strong blader to bet so many points and have so much confidence in herself at the same time. So they all went over to a vacant stadium and I watched close enough to see the battle, but far enough away so I wouldn't be noticed watching. Although, somehow I had a feeling that Nilan knew that I was watching them and just like that the bey battle had begun.

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