Chapter 5

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(Kyoya's POV):

While watching the whole battle, I kept looking over at Nilan to see if her expression was even a little bit different. But it wasn't, is was still the same emotionless face. Also, when she called her special move I wasn't surprised at the name at all. Instead, I was captivated on how stunning she looked as the wind that was gathered up blew her hair so gently from where it normally just laying against her back. Her hair now flowed backwards as if it was a horse's long mane just drifting in the breeze in a calm meadow on a bright sunny day.

Once the battle was over, I resisted the urge to run up, hug her, and congratulate her on winning. Then she held up pointer and got her reward points. When I saw that she had 37,500 points, I was surprised that I didn't want to take them and I knew the gang would start to question me as their leader and they would want to know the reason for it. That's when I realized the only thing to do. I noticed that Nilan had gotten off the stadium and went back to her backpack at the bench.

Once, I walked up to her just as she had sat down. I said, "Your not to bad of a bladder." She then looked up and put her bag on the ground and moved to where it used to sit. I guess she realized that I wanted to sit down. So I sat down next to her and she the said, "Thanks, I take it that you enjoyed watching the battle?"

I answered saying, "Yeah, I did it was really surprising until all ten beys surrounded yours and then when you called your move and made them land at the bladders feet. That was pretty impressive." She looked at me with a face that was surprised also looked confused and asked, "You weren't surprised at the name of the move?" Once she said that, she turned away to look at the ground with a look her eyes that I knew very well. She had a look that was a combination of both sadness and loneliness. I responded saying, "Should it matter what the name of the move is? All that matters is that the move helps you win the battle, right?"

I expected her to get angry and storm off or something, but she didn't. She starred at me in shock, like she couldn't believe what I just said to her. I asked, "What is it? Did I say something wrong?" Then she finally spoke and said, "No, it's not that. It's just your the first person to say the same exact thing that I've always thought." When she finished that sentence, I looked at her and I was shocked to see that her normal cold emotionless face was now a warm smile with tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes.

I guess she felt the tears and quickly wiped them away before they could form any further. While still wiping her eyes, she said, "Sorry about that. I don't normally let my emotions show anymore. I look like a wimp now don't I?" I then said in a serious tone, "No. you don't." She then looked at me and before she could say anything, I stopped her and continued, "You look like someone who has gone her whole life without any friends or family and also wants to make friends, but is scared to because you don't want to be betrayed by them a second time. Trust me, I know what that's like." Once I finished, I was shocked at my own words.

Especially that last sentence, when I said that I knew what she she feeling. I had never said anything like that to anyone before. Everyone I ever met, I always marked them as either useful or useless. Why was Nilan so different from those descriptions? I looked at her and saw that her mouth was opened but nothing came out. Sort of like she wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to put it in to words. Then Nilan finally said, "You are right for the most part." I looked at her confused and asked, "What do you mean?"

She hesitated before telling me her story and then finally told me her tale.

(Time for the flashback):

"I once did have both family and friends, but one day one of my own family betrayed and lied to me for 12 years and I believed that lie and my only true friend had been taken away and his little brother had decided to leave the village to go searching for treasure. That is, until I was shown the truth, but by then it was to late, I had already been changed into something so frightening and powerful, there was nothing I could do to reverse the damage that had been done. I became so angry that I lost control of the powers that I had gained and the facility I had been held prisoner in for so long was blown to bits, but before I could go after the people that made me what I was I collapsed and lost consciousness. When I had finally woke up, I found myself in the basement that was beneath the facility that had remained undamaged from the explosion. I tried to move forward, but when I did I was jerked back and that's when I realized I was chained up. But, when I pulled against the chains and break free, I was electrocuted with millions of bolts of electricity. I probably spent a couple of months trying to work on a tolerance against the electricity, but every time I pulled the shocks got stronger and more powerful each time. I was about to try again, when finally the basement door was opened and some of the adults from my village and helped get me free from the chains and outside into the fresh air. When I was taken to get my injuries treated, they were at how many there were and that I was still alive after going through 12 years of torment. When I was finally treated and recovered I tried staying in my village for a while to live my life freely, but it didn't go the way I had hoped. Instead of being being happy that I was safe, my old friends were frightened and disgusted by what I looked like. They always said that they couldn't believe that I was still alive and also said that I must be some kind of monster to have survived what was done to me. Everyday was like a war zone, always getting beaten up for now looking different from everyone else, being called either the devil's child or sometimes even the child of darkness and that I should be exterminated immediately. The adults always tried to protect me, but even that was useless, some of the adults had even turned against me as well. Then, there was even this one time when they were beating me up, they had managed to take Alicornias from me and almost crushed her. But, before they could destroy her, I used my power to push them away from her at the last minute. They weren't hurt, but when I looked up almost everyone either had looks of fear or disgust in their eyes. That was when I decided it was time to leave like I should have done to begin with, so I packed up my things and started leaving my village. But, before I left some of the adults were begging me to stay, apologizing for how I was treated and for not coming to set me free sooner. When they said that I realized that they did know what was happening to me all those years, but had done nothing, because they were scared that they would either be killed or tormented the same way I was. They repeated their meaningless apologies over and over again, but I finally stopped them and told them that if they had been sorry, they wouldn't have just let me suffer for so many years all alone. Then, after that I left and never looked back and became even stronger all on my own."

(End of Flashback)

When she had finished her story, I saw tears welling up in her eyes once more. She was about to wipe them away, but I beat her to it this time. I lifted my hand and gently wiped her tears away, along with brushing away a lock of her hair that had dropped in front of her face and tucking it behind her ear much to her surprise. I then said, "I'm sorry that you had to go through all that without anyone to support or be there for you." She once again had a shocked look on her face meaning she didn't know how to respond to what I had said. I decided that now was the perfect chance to ask her to join my gang.

So I took a deep breath and started to say, " Nilan, would you like to..." I was cut off by a bey being launched and zooming right past us just barely missing hitting Nilans arm. The bey then came to her feet and began circling them. I angrily said, "What is this?! Some kind of joke?!" Then Nilan said now once again with an emotionless voice, "This isn't a joke. I'm being challenged to a bey battle." 

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