Chapter 6

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(Still Kyoya's POV):

Once she had said that, we then heard a male voice say, "Well. Well. Well. So this is the town you decided to hide from us in. Metal City, I don't blame you for coming here. There are so many easy places to defeat you here, Nilan." We turned to see a middle build boy, who looked to be about between 15 and 16. He had black hair, dark brown eyes, and was dressed in similar cloths like mine. I then stood up and Nilan did the same next to me with the bey going back to the boy standing in front of us. I then said, "Who are you and why did launch your bey at Nilan like that?" He then said, "The name's Katsurou Nabyaki and my business is with the girl, not you. So go find someone else to run your mouth at and scram before I make you."

I just met him and I already wanted to beat this guy to within an inch of his life. No one disrespects me like that and gets away with it. I started to say, "Do you honestly think I'm going to..." but Nilan put her hand on my shoulder which caught my attention. Then she said in a sarcastic tone, " Well, to what do I owe the pleasure of the leader of the face hunters all the way from Blast Bey City coming to see me. Still upset about me beating you and your whole gang. You want tips on how to actually put up a fight in a bey battle?"

When she said that, I was shocked but not to surprised that she had defeated other face hunters, since she had already proven that she was strong in a bey battle. Then I heard that Katsurou guy say with a devious smirk, "I see that you still have that smart mouth attitude of yours. Well, you won't have it after you lose. I challenge you to a bey battle. Right now and no trying to refuse or run away!"

After he said that, I heard Nilan then say with an irritated tone, "Trust me, I never refuse a battle." I could tell that he was starting to make her lose her patience and who could blame her? I'm sure anyone this guy battled would lose their temper with him. Anyway Nilan was about to load her, when Katsurou said in a mocking tone, "I understand you want to get over with this battle, but I have chosen a much more challenging place to have the battle. Now if you'll follow me to the location?" Nilan was quite for a while like she was thinking and the finally said, "Very well, lead the way." Katsurou then started walking away out of the park and Nilan picked up her backpack and began to follow him, but she stopped when I grabbed one of the sleeves of her jacket.

I then said, "Nilan, you shouldn't follow him. I have a bad feeling about this." I knew she could both hear and see my worry for her safety, but I didn't care at that point. The only thing I knew is that she shouldn't go with that boy. She then turned to look at me and said, "Don't worry Kyoya, I will be fine. Besides, I have another reason for accepting his challenge." She gave me a look of reassurance and I said, "okay" and let go of her sleeve. I watched them both walk out of the park and started to go back to the bench.

Once I sat down I looked at the sky and was wondering, why I still couldn't stop worrying. That's when I felt a presence near me and then I realized it was Leon giving off a faint glow. My eyes widened at this, Leon hasn't glowed like this since the incident that occurred, when I first got my scars protecting my family, when I was only 5 years old and then I felt my scars sting for the first time in so long. That confirmed it I was going after Nilan regardless of whether she would be fine or not! So, with that decided I got off the bench and went in the direction Nilan and Katsurou went.

It didn't take long to find them, since it had only been a couple minutes since they had left the park and they were still walking to the battle's location. I followed a small length behind being sure to keep out of sight, but I once again got the feeling that Nilan knew they were being followed but decided not to say anything. Then after a few more minutes of walking they arrived at a construction site and then went inside. Now this is when I got really concerned, that construction site was for a very large building that was supposed to have over a hundred floors, but due to work being delayed for a month and was then canceled only a couple weeks after the city decided to just leave it there for some other company to do something with it.

I realized it would actually be a good way to take a strong bladers points by overwhelming them with a whole gang along with their beys and the metal materials to bounce off them increasing their speed from all directions. I then realize what Katsurou was planning all along and ran inside the site without a second thought. Then what I saw next shook me to my very core there Nilan standing in the clearing and was looking up at over a million different bladers. They all looked like face hunters from many different groups and cities starring down at Nilan obviously wanting back the points she had gained from them. I stood some distance back, so that they couldn't see me and before I knew it they had all launched their beys directly at her. Some missed and some didn't grazing across her skin and causing small tears in her cloths and when the beys bounced back at increasing speed and grazing her again some parts of her body started to trickle with some lines of blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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