Chapter 4

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(Nilans' POV):

When we got to the park, I saw a group of bladers dressed in similar clothes styles like Kyoya and Benkei. I figured that these were the people they were meeting up with. Kyoyas statement that they were going to be talking with them for a while confirmed my theory. However, his question about if I wanted to join them plus the fact he asked me so politely took me by surprise. I knew he would be upset if I had acknowledged that he had sounded polite. So, I told him I would be sitting on that bench under the tree.

Besides, I really wasn't in the mood for talking to anymore new people at the moment. So, with that I walked over to the bench. While doing that, I sensed that Kyoya was both relived and disappointed that I didn't acknowledge his kindness. But he did his best to keep up his image and hide those feelings. Although, I could still see the sadness in his eyes. I decided that I would let him know that I appreciated him trying to include me and thank him for being polite about it. Once I sat down on the bench I got out my bey cleaning supplies and started cleaning my beyblade. That's when I heard Nightmaras shout, "We need to talk now!" I also heard Alicornias say, "Please Nilan, it's important." I knew it must be important if both of them were wanting to talk to me at the same time about the same topic. That literally almost never happens.

So, while still cleaning my bey I spoke to them inside my head and finally said, "What is it?" That's when I heard Alicornias say, "I sense a huge group of bladers coming close to your location. Be careful." Then Nightmaras added seriously, "And no it's not the group of blader brats in front of you. By the way they are asking you if you want to battle them." That's when I stopped cleaning my bey and finally looked up to see ten kids asking me to battle.

I acted like I didn't hear them and asked and also somewhat insulted them just to get them more fired up to win. Hey, no point in batting bladers that don't have a fire in their eyes right? Anyway, as I expected they didn't take it well and they shouted at me about me being pretty strong to talk to others like that and then to finish their little statement they called me a newcomer. That didn't make me flinch because every town I went through had bladers that said the same thing. So, I just answered with the same thing I had said to the other blader punks from the other towns. That I did which is the truth and as I expected they wanted me to prove it.

While also, now demanding that I battle all of them at once. Which is exactly what I wanted to happen. I wanted to get the battle over quickly with these amateurs, so that I could be done by the time the other group of punks came to challenge me. So, I put my cleaning supplies away, agreed to battle them along with making the conditions of the battle, which they agreed to, and we walked over to the vacant bey stadium. As we walked over to the stadium, I sensed that someone was watching us and I was right. I heard Kyoya's bey spirit Leon questioning 'what kind of show' I would put on.

That confirmed that Kyoya was the one watching us, I knew he would be curious about what kind of strength I had and if I met his expectations, he would be the next blader to challenge me. Well at least he will be after I defeat the other group of punks that will be challenging me later on. As we loaded our beys, I heard Nightmaras say, "I'll sit this one out. You can handle them, right Alicornias?" I then heard Alicornias respond saying, "Consider it done and don't worry I won't go easy on them." I muttered, "Good, I don't intend to make this to long of a battle, but I will make it long enough so that the other group will have time to arrive." Then we all said, "3...2...1! Let it rip!"

(Author's POV):

Then Just like that the battle had begun. The beys were launched and started rotating around the stadium to pick up speed. Alicornias was in the lead with the other ten beys grouped up and close behind her. Then two beys circled to the front of Alicornias, while two others raced up from behind to keep Alicornias from escaping. Kyoya watched the four beys close in on Nilans bey and started taking hits without a second to breath. He thought that Nilan would try to dodge it, but she didn't, all she did was stand there. He was surprised at this until he heard her say in an emotionless voice, "Alicornias." Then just like that Alicornias knocked the beys away enough to escape, but not enough for a stadium out. He realized that Nilan was just killing time to just get a reading on how strong and what types the challengers beys were. As far as he could tell the beys were some attack types and the others were stamina and defense. However, he could tell instantly that the whole group was a bunch of amateurs. Nilan had also figured out the bey types as well. Then, the other bladders realized that she was just toying with them and decided to attack all together and finish this battle. Nilan expected this outcome and waited until Alicornias was in the center of the stadium to call her attack. So, when Alicornias got to the center of the stadium Nilan said, "Alicornias, now time to finish this. Special move, twister of torture." After she said that the wind encircled around Alicornias from both directions and she opened her wings and flew around inside making the twister bigger and stronger. Then only seconds after, before the challengers could retaliate all ten beys were picked up and flung out of the stadium and thrown back to their bladders, right at their feet. Alicornias, then landed back in the stadium still spinning with strength to spare to show everyone watching that Nilan was the winner. Once the group of bladders realized that they had all lost, they slumped in defeat. While, also holding up their pointers and each transferring 500 points and points and holding up her pointer she accepted them without showing any emotion once again gaining 5,000 points in total as a reward, while also adding to the points that she already had giving her 37,500 points. When Kyoya saw how many points she had, he was surprised at what he was thinking, but didn't give a second thought to what he was about to do.

Love can change everything (Kyoya Tategami x Nilan)Where stories live. Discover now