~1 ~ The Start of Something Special

47 2 0

~6 years before present day~

3rd Person POV

     The sewers echoed with the sounds of four tiny turtles playing Jupiter Jim, though at this point it has developed into a tangled mess of child nonsense. Leo, Donnie, and Mikey were chasing Raph, and as he was about turn a corner he suddenly stopped. His younger siblings ran into his back, loosing their balance and falling into a small pile on the ground.

"Ow! Raph! Why'd you stop like that!" Leo wined, but Raph just held up a finger to his mouth.

     Small sniffles could be heard in the direction Raph was looking, curious the other three peeked their heads around the corner. There was a small girl, maybe the same age as Leo and Don, or younger. She had soft strawberry blond hair that fell down to her mid-back. The baggy pastel yellow sweater she wore looked 3 times too big for her small frame.

     Her back was turned to the turtles, and they watched as she walked through the sewers. Her small pale hand never left the wall, but the other hand hugged a worn out doll close to her chest. The girl rested her chin on the dolls head in-between it's two yarn pigtails as she walked. Little to her knowledge four turtles worried followed her.

"She looks so sad... and lost... and *sniff* her crying is making me cry!" Mikey whispered. 

"we should help her!" Leo exclaimed,

"No Leo! You can't! We'll scare her-" 

     Raph's warning was ignored as Leo ran past his older brother, followed by Mikey and Donnie. The sounds of their footsteps startled the young girl as she turned around to face the boys, the fear obvious on her face and her shaking hands.

"See!" Raph angerly whispered under his breath to Leo.  

     Even though the girl seemed scared, she didn't move, and neither did the turtles. She had bright green emerald eyes that squinted as if looking at something bright. 

"Hello? Is someone there?" she asked, "My glasses broke and I can't see very well. If someone's there can you help me?"

     At this Mikey finally spoke up, his tears now clearing. "Are you lost? We can help! Me and my brothers know the sewers like the back of our shel- Hands!!" 

"You'd help me?!" she said hopefully, "Thank you!"

"Ahem!" Donnie finally spoke up. "I can get you some new glasses, if you come with us." 

"Really!?" The girl seemed to disbelieve every word they said, though they found it kinda cute.

"Yeah! And before we head of on our journey back, I'm Leo, the handsome one!" Even though he was only 9 years old, Leon still had his ego.

"I'm Mikey!" the orange turtle smiled wide,

"Name's Raph!"

"And I'm the one and only Donatello." The way Donnie introduced himself, you couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not, even if you put every brain cell to use.

"Nice to meet you all!" she said excitedly, "My name's Zoey!"

~+~+~+~ Time Skip ; In the Lair ~+~+~+~

"Ok, just to make sure I didn't mishear anything... Firstly your an orphan?" Leo asked, Zoey nodded her head. 

"And you're terrible at making friends at the Orphanage, so when a bunch of girls told you to sneak out and come to a sewer entrance to do some kind of friendship ceremony you agreed..."

Another nod.

"and when you climbed down the ladder they tried to take your doll, and when you refused they got mad."

Another nod.

"So instead they broke your glasses, knowing your blind without them!"

Another nod.

"Jeeze, sense when were kids so mean!"

Zoey looked away sadly and hugged her doll closer. She didn't quite know how to feel, should she be happy someone's finally being nice to her, or suspicious of these kind gestures. Her train of thought was interrupted by the purple turtle,

"Leo!" he called from the kitchen.

"I'll be right back!" He said as he left to see what his younger brother needed. 

     Leo got to the kitchen to see Raph and Donnie waiting there, "how are we going to give her the glasses without her seeing us?" Raph paced around a barstool, "She's really nice, and she's already scared, I don't wanna to scare her more!!" 

     The boys were debating what to do about this predicament, but there were two important things they didn't know at this moment. Firstly, they were talking loud enough that Zoey could hear them from the living room. Second, she had already figured out that they probably weren't normal humans. 

     "Y-You guys are really loud!" She had to yell to be heard over the heated conversation. "And I don't really care what you look like. Your nice and that's all that matters! Even if you were some kinda crazy science experiment monster thingy" the boys had now made their way back to the living room, along with Mikey who had a mouth full of left over pizza. "Actually,  I think crazy science experiment monster thingy would be way cooler!"

     After that sentence everyone knew things wouldn't be the same. The turtles would have a friend who might as well be their sister. She snuck her way into their hearts and eventually ran away from the orphanage to live in the lair with the boys.  They did everything together, and Splinter even trained her along with his boys. They were close, and bonded more in 2 years than most people would in 10. 

     But one day she went to get something she left behind at the orphanage, and never came back. Since then, it felt like a piece of the boys was missing. As time passed, it started to hurt more knowing she wasn't back yet. They hopped that they would see her again, even keeping her room clean of dust and dirt. Soon it became an unspoken rule between the turtles and everyone they were close with, bringing up the name Zoey would lead to a hard conversation. 

     Well, at least that won't last for any longer. Because little do the boys know, while they're off beating up Meat Sweats, Zoey stumbled into the lair, once again with broken glasses. But she also had something else, A mystic bow that shined a bright yellow, it was her favorite color after all. Now the small array of colors will finally be complete.





And Yellow💛


Hey sorry if the ending felt kinda rushed, its currently 1:15 in the morning and my I've gotta be up early tommorw T^T. Hope you enjoy, and tell me what you think, I'd love to hear your guy's opions! 

Alright Love you guys and have a great rest of your day!!!

(1,074 words)

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