~ 3 ~ Bully = Beating

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TW / Note: in the next few chapters I will reflect the bullying I've experienced, which includes insults, sexual harassment (no physical contact), physical bullying, and breaking expensive/important items.

"Your just proving Leo's point more... Wait is that a bruise?!"

3rd Person

     Surprised by Leo's statement everyone's head turned towards Zoey, who pulled her Avatar the Last Airbender hoodie up in an attempt to hide the dark bruise on her shoulder. 

"Nope! no bruise here!" Zoey slurred, face red with embarrassment. 

"Zoey, take off the hoodie. NOW." Raph said in a stern voice.

"Noooo....." Zoey shrunk into her hoodie as her voice drifted of into a variety of mumbled "I mean kinda..."'s and "its not really anything to worry about..."'s and way too many "Sorry"'s

"No. No sorrys. now spit out the names!" The four turtles, April, and Splinter were a mixture of anger, worry, and Mikey who was crying.

"well, erm..... uh you see... I've actually been back... for 3 days b-before I got here..." Zoey mumble as she pulled her hood over her head and pulled her limbs and head into the oversized top. 

"B-But I couldn't leave the orphanage... because- well... t-these boys were camped outside, and they... they kept taking my glasses hostage... And when I couldn't pay anymore..." Even though they couldn't see her, everyone could hear the little sniffles coming from the small girl hidden inside the hoodie. 

"T-They broke... t-they kinda... um... Broke m-my glasses...?"

"ZOEYYYYYYY!!!!" Mikey and April cried, hugging their poor friend.

"Raph thinks as heroes, we should give these bully's a nice old bea-" Raph stopped mid sentence as he saw the sad, tear filled eyes of his friend peek out from under the layer of fabric. 

"Y-you don't.... You don't have to.." she whispered, but it was hard to tell if her quietness was a result of embarrassment, shyness, anxiety, or all of the above. 

"My question is, why'd you let them do that?" Donnie asked, 

"Yeah! Splinter trained you with us! You were the best ad sneaky ninja stuff!!" Leo added.

"I didn't... I-.... didn't want to get in trouble.."

"but they were bullying you!" Leo retorted.

"well... uh yea... b-but..."

"No buts, no nuts, no coconuts! They were bullying you so we gotta teach them a lesson!" Raph yelled. 

     Zoey let out an sad, embarrassed wine, 'I didn't want them to know, but this went way better than I expected! Although that's probably because they don't know the full extent of what's been happening...' she thought, touching another bruise just under her collar bone. 'I knew I should have worn a better fitting hoodie today, if I did they they wouldn't have seen the bruise! Although I'm glad they seemed to forget about that...'

     The girl hidden in the sweater had been so lost in thought that she hadn't noticed that the turtles had gone off to do their own things, they thought she had fallen asleep. After a bit of thinking her thoughts were interrupted by a certain purple loving turtle,

     "Here, I remade your glasses... with a few new features!" he said as Zoey peeked her head out of her hoodie. As he put them on, she squinted then said, "Donnie, these are my old prescription... I, well... My eye's have gotten... uh- a LOT worse..."

"darn it! How did my genius self not predict that! Come now, lets asses your eyes so I can get you the right prescription!"

"No need, I know my prescription...-8.75" she said pointing to her left eyes, "And -8.5" she pointed to her right eye. (I'm not very educated on stuff about eyes, but this is my current prescription, or at least what my doctor told me, idk if this is the right way to write it.) 

"oh! ok then! I'll get right to work!" Donnie had turned around, and just as he started to walk off he heard a quiet voice... 

"Wait! um... C-can I come? I... I really liked watching you work... and even though I can't see, I'd still like hang out with you..."

"uh... S-Sure!"

'darn it! I stuttered! ugh, why is my heart beating so fast!' he thought.

     Zoey pitched the extra fabric on his elbow pad, "Thanks! I'll need you to lead me though, I'm sure your room has changed over the years..."

Donnie nodded his head, and was glad that Zoey was blind right now so she couldn't see the slight blush spread on his cheeks. 

     The two have always been close, Zoey's caring nature always fit well with keeping the chaotic turtle in line. They also used to have fun info dumping and bantering about random topics. Zoey was full of weird yet fun facts, even though Donnie had no idea where she learned them from, he loved talking about it with her. 

     But the thing that really made him start to fall for her was the way she would never leave his side, even if he made it seem like he didn't want her around. Zoey always seemed to have this supernatural ability to tell what someone was really thinking. Sometimes she could even tell when someone was having a down day before they even realized. 

~+~+~+~+~ Meanwhile ~+~+~+~+~

Texting P.O.V. (Name's are as seen on Zoey's phone)

(Grammar mistakes are purposeful according to how I think the turtles would text)

Hero Boi (Raph)
so howr we gonna do this?!

Pizza Loving Pun Master (leo)
We dont even know what these guys look like!!!!

What came first, The Orange, The Color, or Mikey? (Mikey)

Maybe next time she leaves we could follow her, and when the guys try to hurt her we'll jump out and beat them!!!!!!!

Hero Boi

Purple is my favorite... COLOR! (Donnie)
Why are you guys blowing up my phone!?
Oh, well Zoey's here with me, she said earlier that she's going to sneak back into the orphanage to get her stuff latter. 

Pizza Loving Pun Master
Sounds like a plan!
Nobodys allowed to bully our friend! and there gonna pay BIG for it!!!!

Hero Boi

Purple is my favorite... COLOR
Remind me to delete these messages before  we add Zoey to the chat.

Pizza Loving Pun Master
No guaranties my dear brother

(they all forgot...)


Heyyyyyyy......... Sorry for the long wait, summer started and I've got work, babysitting my sisters, and getting my driving hours in so I can get my license here in the next few months. I'm probably going to be uploading a lot slower, but don't worry I haven't abandoned this thing. It's a small passion project I've been wanting to do for a while! (I even tried to make this a comic... but gave up after a while cause writings easier for me)

Also I know I said I was going to explain the bow and the scars on Zoey's back last chapter, but the bow is going to have to wait till next when she gets her stuff. But the scars are going to have to wait for WAY latter on. it's kinda super important for the last few chapters during the whole Dark armor and Shredder thing. Thanks for the support guys! And I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

(1173 words)

Yellow; A RotTMNT fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora