~ 4~ UNLEASH THE RAPH.... Uhhh I mean wrath...

20 1 0

3rd Person

"So if you tap here, you'll see little red, orange, blue, and purple dots coordinating to our location! And if you tap it again you get infrared vision! oh! And these have a hologram mode! but the main hologram is a computer screen, its like my wrist band!" Donnie excitedly explains.

"Woah... This. Is. So. COOL!!!" Zoey squealed as she kept cycling through the different modes of her new Donnie-made glasses. The purple turtle beside couldn't help but smile, her happiness has always been contagious.

"So, when are you planning to get the rest of your stuff from the orphanage?"

"Tomorrow maybe? I don't really know though..."

"Well, we need to at least grab Nana. I wouldn't want your first night back with us to be another sleepless one."

"Yeah...", The girl trailed off, thinking about her beloved doll. That inanimate object, one she's had for as long as she could remember, was pretty much the embodiment of comfort for her. Though, Zoey never really took the doll anywhere anymore. 'I mean, how weird would it be for 16 year old girl to be carrying a doll around, comfort item or not.'

"if you want, I could come with you, to make sure those afore mentioned boys don't bother you." Donnie suggested, and Zoey shook her head.

"No, you don't have to do that for me! I'll be just fine on my own." she looked over at the clock that currently read 7:32, "In about half an hour I'll head out. And don't follow me! I don't want you guys risking being seen just to act as my body guards!"

Donnie sighed, seemingly admitting defeat. However, the same was not in his head. Despite his emotionless manner, he was just as angry as the rest of his brothers. They had all developed a 'protective big brother' bond with her, she was just too fragile for this world and they all knew it. After learning about the potential bullying Zoey was going through, their anger hit the roof.

Although, they might be just be more angry at the fact that she couldn't come sooner because of the boys. Or maybe their emotions are still all over the place after the reunion. Either way, the stupid punks are going to have a lot of emotion coming at them in the form of fists, and mystic weapons.

~+~+~+~+~ Time skip ~+~+~+~+~

Soon 8:00 had come around, and Zoey was getting a bag ready for her trip. As she  finished up she looked around at the turtles, they had been acting a bit suspicious. Though she was too tired to look into their behavior any more.  At the sound of her leaving the sewer the four turtles turned their heads  to share a knowing look. They quickly geared up and stalked behind Zoey as she made her way up to the streets of New York. 

While she walking, they followed her from the rooftops. after turning a few corners she made her way to an old building. It had weathered brick, stained with mud, mold, and who knows what else. Zoey carefully made her way to an alleyway next to the building, hiding behind a trash bin looking over the side. there stood three teenage boys, probably about  16 or 17. They stood there smoking a citrate next to an open first floor window.

She cursed under her breath and looked back towards the entrance, debating her options. above her the turtles watched, while they were pretty certain that these were the culprits, they wanted to make sure. 

As Zoey had finally made her decision she slowly walked out of the alleyway, though she didn't make it far. "Hey! It's Four-Eyes" a boy with greasy black hair exclaimed as the other two boys looked towards her.  She froze, and turned to meet their sadistic gaze. "I don't have any money." Zoey said blankly, eyes narrowing as she watching their every move. 

"Then why don't you-" 

He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as the turtles dropped from above.  visibly shocked, they stared at the turtles. With eyes wide, one opened his mouth to speak, dropping his cigarette and trying to regain his composure. He wasn't able to get a word out, as Zoey cut him off. 

"Guys, I told you not to follow me! I said I'd be fine." she turned her head and frowned. 

"So what are these things, some kinda monsters? You're so scared of us you needed to get freaky monster bodyguard's!" Though he tried to seem brave, the boys voice shook lightly.

"So you're the jerkwads who've been messing with Zoey?" Leo raised his brow bone looking menacingly at the them. as he took a step towards them they each took a step back, trying to keep their distance. 

Zoey let out a sigh and walked to the wall littered with uneven bricks. "I'm too tired to deal with this." she mumbled under her breathe. "I'm going to get my stuff, you got about 10 minutes max. Do whatever you want, no violence. " she said as she climbed. The turtles looked at each other, waiting silently until they saw her disappear into a window. 

Donnie spoke up staring daggers at the boys, "you heard her, no violence. So you better keep quiet."

Zoey started to pack the few things she had into her backpack. Most of witch consisted of sketchbooks and art supplies. she paused as she grabbed her old doll, "Well Nana, we're finally going back." smiling to herself she finished packing, and turned to grab her last item. She picked up a Bow, It had no string, and a geometric design. It looked like something you'd see in a high fantasy movie. 

As she stepped out of the window, she saw the three boys were no longer there, the window they had been hanging out near was now closed. As she reached the ground she looked to her green friends who had satisficed grins plastered on their faces. 

"Ready to go?" Leo asked, but paused looking at the strange weapon in her hand. "Woahhh whats that???" He asked, now catching the others attention.  

"It's a bow Leon." 

"I know that! but it looks cool!"

Zoey giggled slightly and lifted up the bow, "it's a weird magic bow thing. Don't know who sent it to me though, just kinda showed up sometime after I turned 14."

"Magic? do you mind explaining?" Donnie asked curiously, raising his eyebrow and leaning down to get a closer look.

"Yeah, it's actually pretty cool! when I do this," she held the bow up in a normal shooting position and reached up to grab the area where a string would be. As she pulled back A glowing golden thread appeared. When she pulled further a golden arrow soon appeared. she shot the at the wall and it stuck, "interesting" Donnie stated.

"And that's not all look!" she pulled the string back, but this time she shot the arrow at Raph. Everyone started to freak out, but the fear quickly subsided as the arrow went right through him and disappeared. "Cool right!?"

"It appears you have also acquired a mystic weapon, but the question is how?" Donnie pondered out loud. "One that can create allusions I assume?"

"Wait you guys also have magic weapons!?! You gotta show me!!" 

"How about we show you once we get back to the lair?"


I didn't really know how to end this portion. Sorry if this feels a little off compared to my other chapters, I'm about to go to bed but felt like writing. Anyways, if you guys have any ideas or theories go ahead and let me know. If you have any advice I'd love to hear it! Anyways its currently 11:43, I'm pretty sure this is going to be a pattern 😅

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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