Learning Process

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Apparently Nightfuries aren't the only ones who appreciate dragon nip, Gronkles seem to be particularly fond of it. I wasn't there to witness Toothless' reaction to the stuff but if it was remotely close to the Gronkle then I would have died on the inside from the pure cuteness of the situation. 

After I watched what my brother aptly described as 'dragons melting into a puddle of scales' we left the arena to see if we could sneak in another visit to our friends. We needed to escape anyway the our peers were becoming a little too curious about Hiccups success in the ring. We ran, like normal, from the village and crashed into the forest barely slowing down as we tripped over sticks, stump, roots and our own shoes. 

"Hey bud, We're back." Hiccup shouted enthusiastically into the cove. Toothless happily came barreling around the corner with Scoot shuffling along behind looking just as excited to see us. 

Toothless promptly tackled my brother and practically bathed him in dragon slobber. 

Lucky for me Scoot wasn't up for such a thing and stuck with licking my face only. 

"Gross, but I love you to bud." I said while wiping my face off on my sleeves. Scoot and I giggled as we observed hiccup shaking himself like a dog to dislodge the saliva from his person. 

"I wonder if this will wash out." Hiccup said, superstitiously sniffing his still soaked tunic and grimacing. 

"Hope so otherwise the whole house is going to smell like fish and smithfire." He wrinkled his nose in response.

"I say we set up that fishing line, so we don't have to keep taking the chum fish for these two rascals." At the mention of fish Scoot started drooling into my lap.

" Again, gross." I shoved at his head playfully. He once again slobbered all over my cheek.

I stood and retrieved the hook and sinew thread that had yet to leave my bag, while Hiccup looked around for a perfect stick. Toothless stole it from him and ran off with it, but eventually returned it when Hiccup explained breathlessly that it would make a great contribution to his dinner. I tied the thread off and attached it to the branch. 

"Bait. We need bait, and I wonder if there are any locusts around here." 

Toothless started running through the grass shaking up quite a few of the insects, Scoot sat on his haunches and lightly batted at them.

"Brilliant." I rushed forward and snatched several out of the air, Hiccup was close behind catching many more.

I pierced the hook through the buzzing creature and tossed it into the pond. Almost immediately, The thread went taught before the fish on the other side began tugging in earnest. I flicked the pole back with all of my strength and pulled the fish from the water. It landed next to me and Hiccup unhooked it, I baited it again and recast. This continued for several more fish before we had a few large gars, some bass and trout, and a couple of croppy, just enough to satisfy both dragons for a day or two. 

"Great eat up, and I know it's only been a few hours Scoot but we need to see how your wings are coming, you guys seem to heal way faster than we do." He grumbled but ate his fish, probably as slowly as he could to try and get out of it.

"Right, lift." I brought my arms about my head as I said it. He copied my motion, with much less of a kink than this morning.

"See it's getting better all the time. Maybe a day more and you'll be able to fly for a little while. you need plenty of rest in between and it will be about a half a week before you can do all out flights but you're getting there."

He repeated his motion a few more times at my command before I gave the ok and he tucked them close to his body again. I began scratching behind his ears. 

"Aren't you the cutest thing, Yeah Ye-" I reached out and applied the pressure to his neck and he slumped to the ground.

"What the- Hiccup!." I was kind of panicking. Did I hurt him? Sure he was purring but that could mean anything in this situation.

Toothless was chuckling even though both Hiccup and I looked stricken as we felt for his breath. of course he was still alive, and I had somehow knocked him out cold by a pressure point in his neck, He was easily awoken when I tickled his nose, which was a relief. 

"New trick for training?" I asked. 

"Tomorrow we'll see if it works."

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