I Smell Singed Pride and Doom on the Horizon

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Take off had been a bit of a hassle, the twin kept insisting on switching heads throughout the entire thing unable to decide which one they liked better thankfully the dragon chose for them and grabbed the one They liked better instead. 

"I dub thee, barf and belch." Tuff said after a brief discussion with his sister.

"Hahaha what a stupid name." Snotlout Scoffed from where he sat upon Hookfang with his left hand being forcibly tied to his horn by Hiccup and Astrid. I had already done a similar thing with the twins though they were slightly  more cooperative than my prideful cousin Fishlegs was putting up no fight as I bound him to his dragon, a gentle soled Gronkle who had adopted the name Meatlug after a failed insult attempt by Snotlout. 

"Snotlout you named you dragon specifically off his teeth I don't think you should be acting like you are a big deal." Astrid said in the Zipplebacks defense. I could practically feel Hiccups embarrassment. 

Scoot was pacing around the arena looking more anxious by the minute, I knotted the last rope on the underside of Meatlug and tapped the floor with the flat of my palm getting his attention.

"Hey Scoot would you be a dear and pull me out from under Meatlug please." He warbled in an amused fashion and grabbed my ankle in his mouth tugging gently until I could lift my head again without bumping my wound on either the ground nor the soft underbelly of the dragon. 

"Thanks bud." I hugged his head in appreciation. I used his nose to stand because I was still a little dizzy but thankfully most of that condition had worn off so it most likely wasn't permanent. I stretched and mounted looking over at the rest of the dragon riders.

"Here I'll ride with you." Hiccup said preparing to mount Scoot behind me.

"UH NO." he looked at me oddly dam it, I wanted my ship to sail. "I mean Toothless can barely carry two people and Scoot is way smaller than Toothless he won't be able to handle it. I'm absolutely lying through my teeth right now .

Scoot seemed to think so too because he growled quietly and slapped my hand with his ear. Thankfully Hiccup didn't notice and just opted to look skeptical. Astrid came to my rescue.

"You can ride with me and....." She looked down in her dragons eye before looking up at the grey thunderous sky. ".....Stormfly." The Nadder made a happy squawk and pattered around before coming to a stop next to Hiccup. He brightened slightly at that.

The two lovebirds (since the kiss I refuse to call them anything but that) took off first. Scoot let the other dragons go first in what I assumed at the time was gentle manners but what I now know was in fact him about to show me just who wouldn't be able to Handle it. 

The only warning I got was a low crouch and a slight wiggle of his bottom before we launched into the air at alarming speed, way faster than he had ever gone before. I felt like the skin was being ripped off my face at first  while my arms flailed with the sudden take off. After a moment I had the good sense to duck down close to his back I felt the air rush over me in such a way that it made my hair stand on end.

 I felt a kind of panicky joy in that moment that I cannot really describe I just know that I LOVED it. 

I opened my eyes and looked around, we were suddenly in the thick of our little group of vikings gaining on Stormfly fast and... We passed her. Scoot was just showing off for everyone's benefit at this point. Instead of showing me what a great sin I had committed having even had the very idea that Scoot was either small or weak, no matter how noble the cause, in private, he just had to showcase it in front of every one. He did a barrel roll out of nowhere, shot his fire at the ocean below and dived into the smoke coming out of the drop in a cyclone spin, before gently costing up until he was wing to wing with Stormfly.

"Show off." I whispered in his ear quietly. He rumbled and listed to the right like he was about to do a repeat performance. "NO! no I'm sorry ok I'm so sorry." I clutched his neck with my arms preparing myself for another dizzying experience he leveled out again and warbled questioningly. 

"Ok Look." I pointed at the adorable scene unfolding on the back of the Deadly Nadder to our right. Hiccup was in the drivers seat on the dragons back but he was going over the basics so that when he left the group to find Toothless they would be able to fly without his help, seeing as I would be with him finding my dragons chosen kin. But that wasn't the cute part Astrid sat behind him encircling his waist with her hands and looking at him like he had personally hung the moon himself. He wasn't much better leaning back into her embrace slightly while still managing to stay focused on flying and talking.

"I mean is that not the cutest thing I needed them to ride together it only seemed right can you not see I sacrificed your honor for a noble cause."  He looked back at me then back at them then seemed to finally decide to agree he purred and tilted away to give the two a little privacy. He eventually decided to take up the top of the group.

I suddenly smelled smoke.

"Guys do you smell that?" Snotlout beat me to it.

"Yes." Was the resounding answer. Hiccup led the gang into the mist that was now tainted by smoke. We reached the other side of the maddening haze  only to be greeted by the biggest dragon I had ever seen.

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