a Nap_a Yawn, a Stretch, a Kiss, and a Month in-between

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It's been a month. A month of my force feeding a sleeping Hiccup. A month of me keeping Toothless' separation anxiety as low as possible. A month of reading that giant tome of medicinal practices and beginning armature training with Gothi. A month of making saddles and training the newest dragon riders on how to hold onto them.  A month of overwhelming and hectic integration of the distrusting dragons to an unwilling village of vikings. A month without my big brother.

I was in the forge, seeing as Gobber had lost his best apprentice he had finally actually let me touch the tools for something other than polishing them. But we were on separate personal projects at the moment. I believe he was making a prosthetic for Hiccup while I did the same for Toothless. I had already completed the saddle and had kept it nice and oiled since its slight redesign and sleeker fit. Toothless had insisted on wearing it several times when I had forced him to come on a walk with me and Scoot because it simply wouldn't do for him to be sitting by himself stationary all the time, mainly as I suspected was for the effect of simulating better times. 

I was finishing up an artistic flare that I figured would make the tail fin both more attuned to the Viking lifestyle and add a bit of a colorful 'Hiccup flare', a little line that Gobber had said 'under his breath' many times in the last few days and I figured I would steal it as it seemed to describe most of the activities I had to engage in, in the recent weeks. With that I Folded the piece and placed it in a cabinet with his other yet to be used equipment, patiently awaiting the day their owner would wake from slumber. I looked out the window, it was surprisingly already midday Gobber had finished his project and taken it elsewhere. 

I ventured out of the smithy, toddling around the village and fixing various reptilian and homosapien related disputes along the way. I was in general avoiding going to my house where my still distraught father would be loitering around but never in, where the brother of my dragon grieved over the sleeping body of my twin, where I would have to face a possible future without a crucial part of my family with every moment I spent in the presence of his sick (and at one point death) bed. 

I think I spent another hour pacing about, I was just doubling back to the forge when I heard a cry from over in the direction of my home. I sprinted as fast as I could past the docks, around a house, down an alley and to our front steps fully prepared for the worst. But all I found was a crowd surrounding...My brother, alive, awake, and well. I rushed up as fast as I could and gave him the biggest bear hug I could manage and I definitely wasn't crying just a bit.

I was gently moved aside by Astrid (who I had become quite close with via worry, care and greif) before one of her signature punches connected with his shoulder.

"That's for scaring me." Astrid had been gracious enough to tell me what I had missed in the cove so I knew exactly where this was going. I grinned and watched the gleam in her eyes grow as I moved back to get a proper view of what was about to transpire.

"WHAT is it always gonna be like this because I-" He was cut off by a whopping great snog on the mouth in front of half the village including out father who was chuckling uncomfortably while simultaneously looking like he had just seen Thor himself descend from the heavens in order to grant a bunny rabbit god-ship.

"I could get used to it." Was Hiccup's witty reply that brought the watchers present into rapturous laughter and myself wishing I could have Scoot eat me to calm the amount of giddy embarrassment I felt.

Gobber gifted Hiccup his things, using the 'Hiccup flare' line in order to describe his new leg (which I had to admit was pretty amazing looking as well as functional.) 

"Night fury."

"Get down" Two villagers joked as Scoot slithered through the crowd to my side while Toothless Practically tackled a man in order to get to Hiccup's.

 I mounted Scoot and Shot into the air feeling the wind rush though my hair as we began to hover waiting for Hiccup to follow and for a new age to begin.

                                         THE END                                                      

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