Dat Da Da Kinda Wish I Was Dead

15 2 18

I ran, I tripped, I fell, I cursed, I hopped up, I ran again.

This is what seemed to be almost an infinite loop as I staggered up the hill to the great hall desperately trying to get to my brother and father, I was the mediator, the girl who kept the balance in the household I had no idea what would transpire if I wasn't there, If I couldn't stop some accusation of treason from going too far. Frankly I was terrified.

I finally made it too the door panting I could hear my fathers dark tone through the wood and metal I could only make out bits and pieces but it sounded something like this...

"How _ you_side_them_killed_mother_now_sister_you_have_SOUL."  I figured at the crescendo of his voice it was about time to intervene. I shoved the door open a crack so I could slip in.

"DIDN'T I TELL YOU ALL TO NOT INTERUP-" He turned swiftly yelling at the top of his lungs I could see the hot rage and possibly tears glistening in his eyes. But as soon as he registered my face he fell to his knees. 

"Idonea? Are you really alive."

"Guys I literally yelled that I was fine, why is everyone so worked up about this? Art thou deaf my precious father?"

"Ey Maybe a bit, but how did you escape?"

"Tickles." I said matter-of-factly.

He chuckled slightly then seemed to remember something.

"Idonea, What did you do with that dragon?"

"Which one?"

"Both." Uh oh, I sucked at lying plus he saw me there was no getting out of this one.

"Uhhhhhh, well I trained the Monstrous Nightmare because I had to and the Night Fury because I wanted to." He made a slight choking sound and I swear he got paler underneath his beard.  


"Oh you know, ... I made friends with ...them." My voice got smaller and smaller as I spoke, feeling the uncanny amount of emotions in my dads gaze, it looked as if a war so violent was raging in his head that I had to turn away in order to shield myself from the sheer pain radiating from his eyes 

He rose to his feet slowly towering over me once again and growled pacing the floor between Me, his only daughter and Hiccup, his only son. He was torn I could see it just under the layers of raging and vengeful thoughts, He desperately wanted to hold on to this piece of a happy life he had in the suffocating darkness of constant grief and loss. But he had grown callous over those years of repeated losses this would just be another notch in his belt I could see we lost the battle before it even began. My face drooped and a silent tear sneaked its way out of the corner of my eye. Hiccup must have seen because he jumped to his feet, snaked around dad and stood by my side puffing out his chest as much as possible always gonna be my older brother. 

"THEY- THEY HAVE KILLED HUNDREDS OF US!!!" Our father suddenly boomed.

"AND WE HAVE KILLED THOUSANDS OF THEM!" Hiccup yelled back. "THEY DEFEND THEMSELVES." He started losing steam and got quieter as our fathers expression only hardened further. "There is something else on their island i-it's something straight out of helhie-"

"ISLAND, so you've been to the nest." I saw the murderous plan settle in his eyes like a chisel finding the perfect crack in a quarry all of it just fell into place.

"No no dad please no it's terrible it's like nothing you've ever seen." I begged trying to talk him out of his own doom along with the rest of our village. Hiccup pitched in as our father ignored me and began walking towards the door.

"NO DAD I promise you can't win this one!" We both ran after him clattering to get hold of anything we could reach clasping on to his arms


Our father swung around throwing us both to the ground in the process, the side on my head cracked against the stone floor and started bleeding. I saw a twinge of regret in his face but it vanished quickly and was replaced by unadulterated rage.

"You've thrown your lot in with them..." He turned from Hiccup to me. "...You're not a viking neither of you are my children."

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