Dat Da Da We're Dead (Definitely)

13 1 28

This is a massacre.

My father is an idiot.

My brother is doomed.

Astird is doomed.

I am doomed.

I swung into the pit as soon as I saw Hiccup lose control. Da! why would you do that? This was my mantra as I dived head long into the battle. I fell into the ring and crouched on impact, shocks shot through my hands and feet and up my wrists and ankles, temporarily crippling me as I landed, but I shook those off quickly enough and rose back to a standing position. My brother was running for his life screaming while everyone else caused a similar ruckus. Astrid acting out of her stupid heroic nature decided to distract the beasts wrath .... by hitting it with a weapon. Of course this was ending horribly and only got it away for a minute before my father grabbed her and pulled her through the hatch and into relative safety, before the beast turned once again on my defenseless brother.

I was an idiot why didn't I think of the possibility that my father would go awall. Well this seemed as good a time as any to be an idiot again.

"OI." I sounded like Snotlout dam it . The dragon turned his head towards me just before he slammed his claws down caging Hiccup looking like he was daring my to protest.

Do all dragons act like overgrown cats? 

I inched forward going slowly, staring him down, if not to intimidate then to distract from the little snack he had in his paw. He growled quietly before lowering his head and snorting. the arena was silent, utterly motionless as he and I maintained eye contact communicating our mutual understanding of one another. I inched a little closer but stayed well out of reach. I flicked my arm and shook my shoulders bouncing slightly as I slowly closed the distance, careful to stay out of his blind spot so as to not startle him. 

"Get him." Hiccup whispered encouragingly seeing as this would be the first wild dragon I would tame after Scoot.

I reached out a shaking hand and opened it just like he taught me, I looked away to show that I trusted the beast not to incinerate me right then and there, it was a kind of olive branch of sorts to them. All it took was for them to trust you enough not to stab them as soon as their guard was down. I allowed my fingers to feel through the air searching for the warm scales of the Monstrous Nightmare. I heard a collective intake of breath from the crowd as I heard him shift, I didn't look, I was too chicken to do that. I felt something rough under my finger tips but it didn't feel like scales it felt like fabric. The thing I was touching was dropped to the floor with a grunt before I felt the briefest and lightest of touches from the horn of the great beast. I looked into his eyes I could almost see gratefulness shining in them then I looked down and saw Hiccup crumpled at my feet looking ridiculously proud of his little sister.

Then all of the sudden a tell tale whistle rang through the air. Two of them. Dam it!!!! 

The arena burst open as someone exclaimed the obvious when the two Nightfuries swooped into the stadium only to see a relatively organized scene before them. Scoot ran to my side as Toothless did the same for Hiccup, both dragons exchanged slobbery greetings and small growls of warning at this intruder. I almost forgot where I was for a second before looking up and seeing the shocked and enraged faces of all of my kinfolk. I heard a minute growl from my father as he watched the scene unfold.

"Uh guys you should get out of here." I said quietly to the dragons. Toothless and the Monstrous Nightmare growled and circled around me and Hiccup while Scoot whined in protest, curling his tail around us protectively.

"Bud It's you I'm worried about, you need to leave..." I heard quiet orders being passed around the stadium I saw the flash of weapons being drawn. "... NOW!" I Shouted just as people started flooding the stadium. I shoved at Scoot 

"Come On... GO!" With a huff He roared at the Monstrous nightmare who slinked back into his cage before whining at toothless and picking me up by my shoulders and taking off. 

"NOOOO!! IDONEA!!!" I heard my father yell and the slice of metal through the air could be heard to my left.

"I'M FINE DAD." I yelled over the chaos."HURRY UP HICCUP!" 

Scoot kept flying away from the scene before setting me down in the forest and preparing to go back. 

"NO if we go back we go together." I mounted Scoot but he bucked me off. 

"No that's not how this works." I said getting to my feet and dusting myself off, I reached for the saddle again but He batted me lightly away with his tail. 

"Fine if that's how you wanna play it." I Jumped right then left and ducked beneath him strapping myself onto some clips I put underneath his saddle for cargo purposes I was now secured to his underbelly.

I felt a growl resonate through his body as he gently tried to shake me out from under him. 

"No no Scoot you are going to take me with you." He whined but then started sinking toward the ground lowering himself until he was sitting on top of  me like I was his egg.

He stayed like that for a long time and for a little while I kind of enjoyed it it was like being in the Nightfury cocoon all over again. but then the air got a little thin and I started wiggling this wiggling caused my arm to flail and Scoot to adjust at just the right moment for me to slap his weak spot. He collapsed on top of me. I took a good five minutes unstrapping myself and maneuvering my head out from under him. I took another five just trying to wiggle out completely. I caught my breath and got to my feet. Luckily we were right past the cove and I was able to find my way back.

I ran into the village heading for the stadium, ignoring the questioning gazes and voices of my fellow Vikings. I reached it and it was empty except for the yowling of the dragons still trapped in their cages. 

Gobber sat at the edge and I could have sworn I heard a slight sniffle along with the repeated words

"Not again, oh poor Stoik, Not again."

"Gobber?" I asked quietly. 

"Oh and she decides she wants to haunt me too." I heard another sniffle at the end of the sentence.

"Gobber I'm right here." I said louder. He turned around and just about fell backwards in shock before rushing forward and gathering me in a hug, picking me up and swinging me around.

"Really are all of you that deaf I literally screamed that I was perfectly fine."

"Ey a brave one you always were."

"Not really. Where is dad?"

His face darkened

"In the great hall with Hiccup."

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