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Tainan, Taiwan


Yoongi was mindlessly tapping his finger on the stirring wheel, feeling sweat beads forming on his forehead despite the car window being cranked down. The car wasn't moving, being stuck in a traffic jam. Nothing new in that city. Making open windows quite useless and the broken a/c wasn't helping. At least he wasn't on his motorbike, he tried arguing to stay positive, the car shielding him from the sun.

He dragged a sigh, resting his arm on the window frame and letting his elbow peak out into the sun light. The summer warmth was close to unbearable to him, the heat literally visibly ascending from the asphalt and creating a hazy atmosphere.
His hand reached out to the water bottle on the passenger seat and he took a few long gulps. It was disgustingly warm as well, but better than getting dehydrated.

He switched on the car radio then in hopes of getting any information of what was going on and why they weren't moving. Hoping he wouldn't have to wait more.

"- looks like the car is being picked up right now and police prepare to open the road again. A spokesperson said the incident wasn't severe with no one getting injured, so the regular flow should be restored soon. Stay tuned for more lo-"

He immediately switched it off, groaning despite the glimpse of hope they could move soon.

Only merely twenty minutes had passed since he had returned to the city and he was already regretting it. Missing the lower and more comfortable temperatures in the mountains along with the peace and silence of the temple he had spent those past few months at.

He needed to return, though. Not only because he had to resocialize again since being totally disconnected from anything and everyone and only focusing on meditating and his sword training would eventually turn him into a hermit. He had also missed his friends. And food that wasn't just composed of vegetables, broth and rice. He'd missed meat.

His phone rang then and he didn't need to look at the caller to guess who it was. 

"Hey! So you coming back today, right?"
"Yeah, I'm already in the city," he explained with a sigh, "There's a traffic jam though, that's why I'm still not home."
Taehyung hummed on the other side. "What a bad timing," he mumbled, before his voice became cheerful again. "But I'm glad you're finally back. We missed you."
Yoongi smiled. Yeah, he had missed them, too. Taehyung, Cassandra, Jimin and even Arabella. Who would've thought he'd ever miss Arabella. "Yeah, I missed you guys, too," he quietly said, coughing then. "They said it'll move soon."
"Okay, well.. if you want, you can come over later. Or we can go out."
"Alright, see you later then?"
"Yeah, later."
And they hung up. 

Yoongi tossed the phone back on the passenger seat. His gaze back to the honking cars in front of him. Noticing some in the front to be slowly moving and he sighed in relief. Finally-

He was about to start the engine as well when the sound of the backdoor opening caught him off-guard. His eyes widened, ready to grab his sword from the passenger seat when he caught a young women panting and stooping in the backseat, sinking as low as possible without falling over the edge.
"Drive!" she whisper-shouted. Sticking her head up just a little bit, only to duck it down just as fast again. Her eyes growing round in panic and she sunk more into her seat. Causing Yoongi's forehead to cease in confusion about who that women was and why she was in his car.
"Don't look at me! Just drive!"
"Hey, listen I don't-" However, he was cut off by the sudden yells and his eyes spotted numerous men squeezing themselves between the stopped cars in the side mirror. Seemingly in a hurry.

"Go, go, go! She must be here somewhere!" one of them shouted while running ahead and appearing only two cars behind them. The women shot Yoongi a pleading look and he instantly understood. They were looking for her.  And they didn't seem like wanting to award her. No. They rather seemed like throuble. Serious trouble.

He sat back in his seat, his eyes staring ahead again. Making an effort in looking as casual as possible while his hand slowly reached for his sword, just in case.

The suspicious looking men came closer, scanning through the numerous stopped vehicles in search for her. Yoongi observed her from the rareview mirror. She had her eyes darted outside and she slid further down, as if she tried turning invisible. He could only assume she was scared as her face didn't show any signs of it anymore. Her jaw was tense and her eyes fierce. Looking determinded to jump onto anyone who dared opening the car door to try drag her out.

His eyes wandered to the side-mirror again, noticing one of the men had almost reached them. His gaze darkening as his thumb slid the shaft of his katana out when he saw the cars right in front of them moving. The traffic jam having dissolved.
Without thinking twice, he instantly switched gears and floored the gas pedal. Rushing off before anyone could even catch a glimpse of his backseat. Finally sensing a somewhat cooling breeze against his damp skin as the car sped up.

A long breath escaped his lips then, feeling relieved for some reason despite not being the one getting chased or even knowing what was going on.
"That was close," he mumbled then and peeked at the rareview mirror, seeing the women also dragging a long sigh in relief. "You should be good now."
She slowly pushed herself up the seat, sitting straight. Taking one last glance over her shoulder to assure her chasers were out of sight. Her lips forming a small grin then and she looked back at him. "Thanks for the help." She threw her head back then, closing her eyes for a moment. "I really thought they'd get me this time."
He arched a brow at her as he left the main road. "'This time'?" he repeated. "So this happened before?"
She shrugged. "Yeah, they're quite persistent."
He hummed, focusing back on the road. He figured she wouldn't tell him, a stranger, who those men were and why they were after her anyway, so he didn't even try.
"You can drop me at the next traffic light," the women said then and leaned forward. Folding her arm on the corner of his seat while pointing ahead.

He frowned at her.

"You sure? I can drive you home if you want. In case you encounter those guys again," he offered, being genuinely worried for the stranger with the feline eyes and raven hair. She shook her head though, declining with a smile. "It's alright. Can't go back home anyway because of them."
"Then maybe a hotel?"

She glanced at him for a moment, narrowing her eyes on him while trying deciphering his intentions. "You're quite sweet for a stranger, unless you're a murderer and that's why you're being so friendly," she giggled then, "But no, seriously, it's fine. I can handle myself."
He didn't show how flustered he felt by her calling him something as random as 'sweet'. Only humming at her response. And the car came to a halt right when the traffic light turned red. 

"Thanks again for.. you know, being my getaway car," the women waved when she got out and before he knew she had already walked off. His brows furrowing at direction she had disappeared to. "What a strange girl.." he whispered to himself.
Driving off as soon as the light turned back green.


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