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"You aren't concentrating," Yoongi stated plainly while grabbing on the mannequin Soyeon had almost pushed down with her bokken.

She frowned at his statement and looked down at her hands. Indeed, they were clasped tightly around the shaft. Something she wasn't supposed to do. She breathed, loosening the grip on it.
Like a paintbrush, she reminded herself.

She went back and repeated the exercise, hitting the blue dot perfectly this time without actually pushing the dummy.

"Better. But you're still not fully concentrating."

His words frustrated her. Not because they weren't true but rather because they were. She wasn't concentrating. She was overthinking again. Lost in her thoughts for a moment to notice him walking up to her and snapping his fingers in front of her eyes. Offering her an empathetic smile.
"Tell me, what's going on in your head."
She let out a shaky breath, looking up into his soft eyes. How was she supposed to explain what was going on inside her? The best way to describe it probably being -
"Exhausted. I'm exhausted."

His eyes grew round for a moment before he nodded, immediatelly understanding what she meant. "Your situation is quite exhausting after all.. But you can't let this influence you in a fight," he said then and heaved the wooden sword that was still in her grip, "You've got to blank out any emotions and only focus on the moment."
"I know.. but that's easy for you to say, you've got years of practice," she whined, laughing tiredly and he couldn't object since she was right. Still, he was determined to help her.
"Hmh, yes. Without my training I'd be full of worries and uncertainties all the time," he admitted then with a hint of shy embarrassment in his voice, "And I still am, sometimes. But it's unfavourable during a fight. Trust me." He observed her lips parting a little, only to be pressed together again.
She sensed a story laying behind his word which she wasn't going to question now. Waiting for him to bring up on his own, maybe, some day. A sulky pout spreading on her lips then and he laughed under his breath at how adorable she looked.
"Isn't there any way for your mind to stop thinking and just be in the moment?"

Her eyes blinked at this, considering his question as she was in a sincere search for an answer. Her gaze falling to the side. "Usually when I listen to music. Although.. there was another thing that made my mind go blank recently.."
He arched a brow in anticipation, seeing her continuing avoiding his glance along with a mischievious smirk. His scowled turning into an amused laugh, being certain to get the not-so-subtle hint. "Is that your way of asking me to kiss you again?"
It'd be a lie if he said he hadn't permanently thought about the way her lips had tasted ever since.

"Technically, I was the one kissing you," she countered. The smirk widening.

It wasn't a lie though. A cheap way to get to kiss him again? Most likely, but not a lie. Because when kissing him, she hadn't thought. She'd just felt. Repeating the way he'd been holding her tenderly in her memory like a broken record.

It was interesting really. After the kiss, they had stayed a bit longer up there. Observing the last splashes of colour disappearing and fading into dark blue. And they had continue talking. It had flown so naturally, the conversation. It'd been mainly her curiosity continuing getting satisfied by asking him about his life as a thief. Making him tell her stories about heists and his friends.
Not once had it felt awkward afterwards. It was weird how things weren't weird at all between them. They had rather been like always, like before. As if the previous evening had never happened.

This was the first time one of them mentioned the kiss. And it ignited a new kind of excitement in her.

"You know, in a fight you won't be able to listen to music or kiss anyone," Yoongi tutted, "You'll have to find another way to block out your thoughts." A teasing grin creeping onto his features as he stepped even closer to her. Gently grabbing her chin between his fingers, he began leaning in only for Soyeon to withdraw suddenly, stepping away from his touch. Taking him aback with her smirk. "You're right, in a fight there won't be time for this."

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