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Soyeon pulled the bucket hat back on to avoid unwanted attention when they reached Taehyung and Cassandra's place. 

It wasn't a big house, but the area seemed quite nice and polished. Making Soyeon gape at it with wonderous eyes while wandering over the frontyard. "Are your friends wealthy or something?"
He couldn't help but laugh at this as it simply sounded ridiculous to him, shaking his head.
How was he supposed to explain they had all saved up tons of money from all their heists over the years?
"Not really, but, uhm, she's a doctor you know.."
She nodded, understanding and he internally sighed in relief that she believed his excuse. Ringing the doorbell then. And much to his surprise, it opened within a second. Taehyung standing there, leaning against the doorframe. Arms folded in front of him as a surprised look spread on his features when spotting the young woman behind his friend.

"Where you waiting at the door?" Yoongi huffed as he shuffled inside.
"No,  just randomly passed by when you rang," he shrugged and stepped back to make space for them to enter, glancing at the girl then back at Yoongi. "You want to intoduce us or..?"
Yoongi blinked, only now realising what he meant as he turned around at Soyeon. "Oh, uhm-"
Soyeon, irritated by him acting so slow, slightly shoved him aside. Smiling awkwardly at the tall guy. "I'm Soyeon, hi," she introduced herself, "I'm sorry for causing such a turmoil, really. It wasn't my idea to bother you guys, but he insisted." She motioned to Yoongi behind her who remained quiet, scratching the back of his neck. "So I had no choice."

Taehyung chuckled at this, amused by her honest nature. "It's alright, that's how he is." Taking her hand then, he gave it a quick shake. "I'm Taehyung."
He spun around then, waving for them to follow him further inside. "Cas! They're here!"

The two followed suit, entering the living room where he had disappeared to. Soyeon's eyes catching a wall covered in postcards from all over the world before seeing a young woman with a round face and long curls already waiting. Jumping from her comfortable seat on the couch as soon as she spotted them. "Oh, hey there!"
She first hugged Yoongi, then turned to Soyeon offering her a hug as well which startled the younger woman. She accepted it nevertheless, finding this warm welcome quite nice.
"So you're my new patient," Cassandra eyed her with a smile and gestured to the hallway. "Let's go to the bathroom and I take a look."

Soyeon nodded, glancing anxiously over her shoulder at Yoongi who was giving her an ensuring smile. She swallowed and turned back to Cassandra, following her through the hallway.

"Here, sit down," the doctor said and pointed at a stool she had already prepared. "I'm Cas, by the way. Well, Cassandra. But the lads call me Cas," she giggled while sliding on a pair of disposible gloves.
"So Soyeon, what's the matter? Yoongs said something about a cut?"
She nodded, carefully taking off the hat and revealing the wound. For some reason she expected a similar reaction to Yoongi's when he'd first seen the cut. However, Cassandra was trained for this and had already seen all kinds of wounds over the years. So it needed more to shaken her up than this. 

She leaned over, taking a closer look on Soyeon's forehead. Examining it for a moment, before grabbing a small towel. Soaking it under the tap with warm water and placing it on the wound, beginning to carefully clean it. "It's nothing severe, I can reassure you," she said then, seeing Soyeon easening at this, "But it was good he brought you here. If we don't stitch this up, it might get infected. Or leave a scar."
Soyeon bit back a giggle at the similarity of the words, it was almost a déjà vu. "Yoongi said the exact same thing."
"Mhm, he should know first hand after all," Cassandra mumbled, adding a bit of soap on the towel and continuing cleaning the wound. Soyeon winced a little, making her retreat. "Sorry, might sting a little," she smiled apologetically, before placing it back and continuing. Finally, she rinsed the wound with clean water and patted it dry.

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