Part 3

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Baekhyun had just got off work. He called a taxi but not to go home. Every evening when he got off he would return to his mother figure Nana and help her clean and restock the shelter. It was his favorite thing to do. He could be himself without her judging and he especially loved taking care of the puppies.

"Hi Nan!" He said as soon as he opened the doors waving enthusiastically at her.

She looked at him with a big smile forming on her face and opened her arms whide for a hug.

"Hi my honey!" She replied as Baekhyun quickie hugged her. "How was work my honey?" Baekhyun huffed and shrugged his shoulders. "Like how it always is .. same day over and over again."

Baekhyun walked behind the counter and onto the computer, looking at the sales. "No one's been coming in?" "Just for dog food .. people have been buying their animals from the shop down the street. You know the one that sells a stray they took in for 1,000 dollars." Baekhyun gasped and stood up.

"We should run them out of business." He shook his head and crossed his arms. Nan laughed and patted him on his head. "She can't do that Baekhyunnie. Now go play the with the pups .. we received a new one today."

Baekhyuns eyes lit up. He removed his beanie and ran over to the back where all the puppies and dogs were kept. He could play with them for hours, it was always like the siblings he never got to have growing up.

He played for what felt like hours (in reality only 30 minutes had gone by) the bell to the door had rung but Baekhyun was too busy to hear it.

It wasn't until he heard Nans footsteps walking over plus another pair of heavier steps walk closer to him. Baekhyun smiled and looked up only expecting to see Nan but he was met with a 6'2 man with slicked back black hair wearing a suit.

Baekhyuns eyes widened as he looked frantically searching for Nan who was casually standing beside him.

"These are the pups we currently have at the moment! They're all ready to go to a new home. All are pee pad trained and is eating hard food as well!" Nan told the man. He shook his head but his eyes were glued to Baekhyun.

"Uh huh ... and what about the boy." He raised his eyebrow and pointed to Baekhyun. Baek just sat there , eyes still wide not knowing what to do or say.

"Oh! Baek isn't for sell! He's like a son to me." Nan said with a smile. "Mm .. too bad. He's exactly what I was looking for." The man shrugged. Baekhyun and him kept eye contact for awhile before Nan finally broke the silence.

"Uhm .. well if you're looking for a hybrid like Baek here .. there's a shelter down the road selling them." "Nah this one has definitely caught my attention."

"I'm a person too you know." Baekhyun finally got up with a huff and went back to staring at the man. An idea popped into his head. "Well .. if you pay me I'll be your hybrid, but only for money." Baekhyun added while crossing his arms.

The man grinned and mocked the way Baekhyun was standing. "Oh yeah?" He raised his eyebrow. "That sounds fine."

Baekhyun froze. He didn't actually think he would accept. But hey anything for money right?

The man pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down a number before handing it to Baekhyun. "Contact this number. We'll talk more about it tomorrow." He went to walk away before turning back around to look at Baekhyun. "The name is Chanyeol by the way. Park Chanyeol." He added before leaving the store.

Baekhyun stood frozen. No way did he expect anything like this today. It was only a Wednesday for heavens sake.

Nan went to say something but Baekhyun ran out the store, piece of paper still in hand, trying to catch up to Chanyeol who had already walked down the block towards his car.

Baekhyun finally reached him before he could enter his car.

Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol by his wrist and turned him to face him.

"What the fuck dude?" Chanyeol spoke before looking at Baekhyun. He grinned.

"Well hey kitty." Baekhyun rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest. "Don't call me that. Plus we didn't talk about just how much money we're talking about here." Baekhyun responded.

"Mm .." Chanyeol pretended to think. "I have endless cash kitty .. whatever you want you can have." He smirked. Baekhyun furrowed his brows. "Endless money huh? I know you're lying." "Mm well you can believe that. You need a ride home kitty?" "I said don't call me that." Baekhyun pushed a finger at his chest but Chanyeol didn't move an inch, just laughed.

"I could use a ride though .. so fine." Baekhyun huffed as Chan opened the passenger seat for him before entering he vehicle himself.

"So uhm what do you do for work?" Baek asked glancing around. "I own a family business." "What kind of business?" "You're a nosey kitten aren't you?" Baekhyun was quick to shut up.

Luckily Baekhyun didn't live far from Nanas so the ride was only 10 minutes.

"So this is where you live?" Chanyeol spoke as they pulled into his apartment driveway. Baekhyuns cheeks turned red, a tad bit embarrassed. "Well ... yeah. It's nicer on the inside I swear." He replied putting his beanie back on before exiting the car. He grabbed his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door.

Chanyeol finally left after seeing that Baekhyun was safe now. Baekhyun didn't know what to do. He just made a random deal with a stranger all because he was a hybrid. He stupid of him. He threw himself on the couch with a huff before grabbing the note the older had given him at the store.

He grabbed his phone and put the number in with the name

Strange giant man

He looked at the contact for a few moments before clicking save. He was terrified but exited at the same time.

The next day Baekhyun repeated his morning routine.

Get up, brush his teeth, brush his hair, and then pick out an outfit to wear. He never liked eating breakfast he always preferred to have a bigger lunch or to just a protein bar instead.

Work went by slowly today. Baekhyun kept glancing at his phone not knowing when to next or call Chan. Or to just blantly ignore him and forget about everything. But Chanyeol was good looking and Baekhyun simply couldn't pass it up.

After work he arrived back at Nans like he always does, but when he opened the door he was greeted by Chanyeol instead of Nan.

"Oh it's you again." He rolled his eyes while Chanyeol smiled. "Yup. Didn't hear from you at all today kitten. What was up with that?" Baekhyun ignored him and instead went to walk to the back, but Chanyeol grabbed his wrist.

Kitty ; ChanBaek ; RevampedWhere stories live. Discover now