Part 4

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Baekhyun glanced back and glared at Chanyeol.

"What? Im kinda busy." "Didn't you JUST get here?" Chanyeol raised an eyebrow at the smaller. "Well yes. But I help Nana out she's getting in age you know." Baekhyun yanked his wrist back.

"Now if you'll excuse me. I'm going to play with the puppies." Baek walked away leaving Chan to stand there. He rolled his eyes.

"You're playing a little too hard to get you know. We made an agreement." Chan followed him. "I didn't agree to anything." "Oh, but you did. Don't you want to be spoiled and loved on?" Baekhyun froze.

"I want to be spoiled, but before I agree to anything we're setting rules and boundaries." "We can talk about that at the office." Baekhyun raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Office? Mhm and how am I supposed to trust you taking me to some building when I barely know you." "You can trust me. I promise."

Even though Baekhyun has only known this man for right at 24 hours he felt he should semi-trust him. He has nothing to lose anyway if something bad did happen. The only person he had in his life was his best friends KyungSoo and YoungJae plus Nan.

Baekhyun thought for a quick second, staring at the ground before coming back to reality and looking at Chanyeol. "Fine. I'll go with you, but I have work tomorrow and my bedtime is 9:30 sharp and I better be home by then."

Chanyeol grinned and nodded.

The ride to the "building" was quiet. Baekhyun didn't know what to expect. After all, he barely knew Chanyeol, only knowing his name. Not what kind of work he does, his birthday, his age, anything.

But Chanyeol being mysterious only made him sexier in Baekhyuns mind.

20 minutes went by and they still haven't arrived at the location. At this point, Baekhyun was getting nervous. He swallowed hard and fiddled with his fingers.

Chanyeol noticed but decided to ignore him. They pulled up into a building. Still in the city just further away from where everything is at. Baekhyun didn't know how to react or what to do.

"Well, we're here," Chanyeol said opening the passenger seat for Baekhyun. He quickly unbuckled the belt and slowly got out of the vehicle.

"Uhm when you said building I wasn't thinking an Eiffel Tower ass of a building." "Oh, it's not that big." "Erm yes it is." "Just shut up and follow me."

Chanyeol began walking towards the entrance, Baekhyun following behind him. He typed in a code making sure Baek couldn't see. The giant black double doors opened and in they walked into the main area.

Baekhyuns eyes widened as he glanced around. The main room looked similar to that of a club. With the front desk in the middle, a young woman sat working answering phone calls and typing on the computer in front of her. It smelled heavily of smoke, alcohol, and sweat.

Was this some sex club...

Baekhyun wasn't interested in being sexual with anyone. He was still a virgin and he was way too embarrassed to admit it since he was 26 after all. He was well over the normal age to lose it.

"Follow me this way. And if anyone tries to talk to you or offers you something just decline them." Chanyeol said walking towards the left. Baekhyun stood frozen for a couple of seconds before running after him.

"Well hey, there cutie. Are you lost?" A tall man appeared in front of him. "Uhm ... no I'm here visiting Chanyeol." Baekhyun paused looking over the man to see if there was any name badge or something that he could at least call him. He finally spotted a tag under his vest. "RM...?"

He chuckled before locking Baekhyun between himself and a wall. "Mm ... it's a little too dangerous for a precious little thing like you to be in here." He smirked but was soon shoved away from him by Chanyeol.

"Leave him alone RM." the other man just rolled his eyes. "You can't have all the fun." "Oh please it's nothing like that," Chanyeol replied grabbing Baekhyun by the wrist and tugging him into another room.

"Didn't I tell you not to answer anyone if they came up to you?" Baekhyun went silent. "Answer me!" Baekhyuns eyes widened. "Well, he looked important I didn't know what to do."

Chanyeol rolled his eyes and locked the door. "Sit down," Chan ordered while going behind the long desk and sitting in the chair behind it. Baekhyun quickly took a seat in one of the two seats in front of him.

"Now. Where were we?" "Going over boundaries?" "Right." Chanyeol pulled out a book and began flipping through the pages. Baekhyun raised an eyebrow as he watched him.

"What kind of hybrid are you?" "Is that important?" "Mm, not really. Just curious." Baekhyun rolled his eyes this time and groaned. "Ragdoll hybrid." "Ha, so you are a little kitten huh?" "Shut up." "Nah."

He put the book down and looked at Baekhyun. "Since you're the one that wanted to set boundaries go ahead. I'm all ears." "Give me a piece of paper. I'll write them down."

Chanyeol sighed and grabbed a piece of notebook paper and a red pen from his desk and handed it to him.

1. Not sexual activities, talking, or actions. Unless I get comfortable enough which will probably never happen.

2. You cannot message or call me randomly between the hours of 9 am - 6:30 pm. Those are my work hours and I would rather not be interrupted by you.

3. I can leave this whenever I choose. I'm the one who agreed. It's my choice, not yours. Plus you don't own me.

4. You can only have me all day on Saturdays. Me and Nana go to the farmer's market on Sundays and I am NOT missing it to spend with you.

5. Absolutely NO touching my tail. You're allowed to play with my ears but that is it.

6. If any person here tries anything with me I will never return here again. You can come to me.

Baekhyun finished writing everything down before handing the piece of paper back to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol scanned over it chuckling at one of the rules. "Mm no touching your tail huh? Your sensitive?" Baekhyun blushed and looked away. "Of course not. Just don't want you touching it."

Chanyeol hummed and went to write something down on the paper. "What are you putting?" "That you're not allowed to explore the building. Unless I'm with you and give you some type of permission." He said with a stern tone in his voice. He was serious.

"Why would I want to explore such a place like this anyway hm?" "Kittens are nosey, aren't they? I'll give the paper to Vegas and he'll print out a contract we can sign." He replied getting up and fixing his suit in the process.

The ride to Baekhyuns house was quieter than it was on the way to the building. Not one of them spoke a single word. When he arrived home Chan immediately left instead of checking to make sure he was safe like last time.

Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders and entered his apartment, kicking his shoes off and putting some slippers on.

He walked to his bedroom to put his pajamas on. Finally, he could relax. He cooked him some ramen on the stove and turned on 'Finding Nemo' on the TV and watched it.

Kitty ; ChanBaek ; RevampedWhere stories live. Discover now